

The days of December,2027,on the set of "Modern-India"(newspaper) besides a brilliant reporter AJ.Kawsik with "Secret-Unfold"(name of the show).I was invited due my success on a risky neurological surgery.The show begins with few basic questions, claps and whistles.Then Aj ask me something expected! about my life,my journey, from India-siberia and then back to India..with a deep breathe I begins...
"My father Samuel Johnson(virologist) was invited to India for a case study and my mom (Apoorva Sharma)was working under him,they fall in love with each other and get married.After that they moved to Siberia(my birthplace) after couple of months she introduced me to this world and named me Deekshant Jonshon😊.My childhood was full of merry,joy,love and affection,but those things won't last long,one day she suddenly fall on the ground and lost her sense,dad took her to the hospital.. after a lap of 45mins the red-light closed and the doc with a narrow voice ask for a sorry and said she got a teumer on her brain and later it just approached the last stage of neural cancer!!!standing few foots to him a boy of 13, and begins to cry of loosing his mom!
I am on great shock and it's too hard for me to recover, and my old-man is getting too much of pressure on his shoulders,so in a phase of one month he remarried to a fine lady named Emma Stacy(my stepmom)on their ceremony my dad brought a puppy mastiff (a breed of dog)as a gift but she hates dog 🐕,so for that we kept that puppy outside our house and me and pa feed him.Emma was basically a perfect lady she took care of me very well and that makes my dad self-satisfied he was also happy with Emma's sweet activities.After 3 weeks a serious news was on the headline on "Russia TV" of that Kouga( a experimental dog made by a mixture of 3 dog breeds)and he is heading towards Siberian forest,it is normal in Siberia because that place is well known for wolves and Huskies but for safety majors closed every corners of our nest and then I went outside to bring that cute mastiff but Emma denied and that night dad and Emma shouted on eachother and that little mastiff was kept outside,next morning I didn't found that puppy outside and when I moved into road I found it's remaining body with red stains spreading around it.
After those crushing incidents my dad got call from his job so he just get his luggages packed and we went to the airport for a better good-bye!
Here my school days are totally of garbage ,due my circumstances I can't let my efforts of study so intensely,Emma was trying to help me out of my stuffs and I am getting a little better on those things my grades are improving and within these days Emma was travelling in her 2nd trimester,I am aslo getting excited to welcome my little brother/sister.
Once on evening Emma gave me some roubles (Russian currency) to buy some medicine so it was little bit windy but I went on without caring about the weather and after purchasing the capsules (tablets) while on way back I found mother husky was died of getting a hit from a vehicle and and a few metres from him a voice is just screaming behind the trees but my eyes fall on a grey wolf which is heading towards that puppy at the moment I just pick a piece of wood and hit with a greater velocity,that shot didn't gave a big impact to that adult grey wolf,he just jumped upon me and scratched my left hand a little I got frightened,near to me I found few stones I threw those towards that predator and one of my shot just hit it's eye and it ran away with bleed!!.I just lift up that puppy in my bike and headed towards home . After watching my wounds Emaa got serious and scolded me and was going to threw that husky kid outside but I begged her to not to do so,she stopped and said that this dog isn't get allowed to home! After that I took care of that little husky(Milo)and Emma, after 12 weeks Emma got pain and have a boy(little jonshon) we called him little-J , within these times Milo got an size and I got tips from uncle Frank living a 2/3 yards from our home,he is an military servant. After a year little-J learner to walk and Milo being so beautiful and big. Once at noon little-J is on his dreams,Emma and me went to the Maul for some daily stuffs there we headed a news that that experimental factor(Kouga) escaped again and as per same heading towards Siberian forest,I remember that bleeded body of the tiny mastiff,I am getting worried about Milo, Suddenly she shouted Oh!God! she just have forgotten to lock the front window,immidiately we returned to home as fast as we and I found that Milo wasn't there ,I get more frightened,Emma got serious on this fact and we opened the door I pick up my baseball bat and called little-J and moved upstairs there we found blood is running from little-J's room we got frightened, up we move the density of stain is getting higher Emma was crying with no sound then we found that a bleeded big black wolf was lying dead and a metre away was lying injured Milo and little-J was playing with near to it,we exales happily,Emma kissed Milo and cried for her behaviour and asked sorry and took it to animal care,I called 911 they cleared all the stains and told us that it wasn't a wolf it is that experimental factor Kouga!!! It shocked me a lot, latter some members form the research centre came and ask us sorry for their fault and for compensation offered us 10,000 roubles, Emma explained every part to my dad, later on she took care of Milo more than me,she feed him first before our meal and everything get normal, after a couple months I am on 10th standard, Emma helped me on my studies and on my final boards I stood up with good grades, within those days Milo get completely recovered from his wounds and attained a good health also.Then for my further studies,my dad took me outside,there I made much friends and one girlfriend (Katy Lane) she was so bold and sweet,but something just happened which wasn't completely digested,once I asked Katy about her home she just said that she belongs to criema(a state of Russia)but she moved to Siberia and gave me the location of her house and that was so close to our house and I never have seen her there in any vacations but I didn't take those things so deep,my studies are going well,every day I do video call to look Milo and growing little-J , around these my 11th was just covered and the vacations begins,and dad is also home so our family get reunited and have funs.One day Katy called me and said that she with her uncle(Robert) and aunty(Susan) want to meet me so I asked dad and invited them for evening,dad went outside to buy a barbeque but found that the shop was closed so he returned with other stuffs,it was 2:00pm I was waiting outside for their welcome, about 2:15 they were around us everything is going well,and they have brought barbeque with them and that satisfies everyone's need ,Emma and Susan take care of food,dad and Robert were getting talks,me and Katy got some romance and little-J with Milo were playing with each other,the meal got prepared and as per daily Emma first offered Milo but a strange thing happened,Milo denied to have that piece of barbeque,so mom offered one more piece but things didn't changed,my dad got some doubts he took a piece of meat and went to his room and tested and found poison in it,dad got and exclamation,he returned and asked Katie's uncle from where did they build the barbeque he answered the address but that shocked dad more,he replied that I have also went to the same place but nearby peoples said me that the shop is been shut down for last 5days my dad asked who are you??, Katie's uncle with a vigorous voice said that oh! you got me!,dad just went towards cell to call the sheriff,but Robert bring out a gun and we all got big eyes,and get shivered,dad asked him,what did he want?? ,he said that he wants the antidote dad got the point about him and he just jumped on Robert and suddenly a bullet was shot to his right arm and it was Katy with another revolver hearing the shot Milo jumped outside the window and ran away I am standing Black there and the situation is going off my head , Emma holding little-J begged Robert not to kill him and then Susan pointed her gun towards Emma and said that if you want your family to live then ask your husband to give the antidote, Emma asked dad and dad get agreed on it,Milo just ran straight towards uncle Frank's home and scratched his front door,he opened the door and Milo was asking Frank to go with him,but frank was working on a project so he just didn't understand what Milo wants to say,he allowed him to home and offered him a piece of cake but he didn't ate that,frank was getting stranged of Milo's actions so he decided to go with him so he begins to short his papers and accidentally a photo from his papers fall apart and Milo just enraged on that pic and scratched the face on the pic and that was Robert's, Frank now completely understood the situation so he called for Russian military and made a strategy, as per Emma's request dad brought out the antidote and instead of giving them he just smashed that bottle on the floor and said that he will never let his experiment get touched by ugly hands, with an anger Robert punched him and he fall on the ground,at the same time Frank was looking thermal scope and indentified 3 criminals and 4 civilians were there,we all have get frightened so much that we even don't have any idea what to say or do in that situation and suddenly out door well rang, Robert asked Emma to open the door,so she just handled little-J to me and opened the door slightly it was Frank she asked Emma for some salts so Emma descended to kitchen and bring the packet and gave him,he told Emma that at about 9:00pm they will threw smoke grenades and at the moment she with her family will just immidiately lie parallel to the floor and so that our commandos with get the clear shot, as per his advice Emma whispered me and dad,it was 8:45 we all are holding up with Franks strategy and at right 9:00 a smoke grenade was thrown we lied on the floor as parallel as possible and the mission was get successful,all of them get shot and latter cops get around and my dad was taken to hospital,Frank was there with Milo sitting near to him,I hugged him tightly,I asked him about the whole case he said that 6months ago Russian military get a virus sample from the ISIS camp and my dad just prepared a sample of that antidote which results successful and for that work on 19 June he was going to awarded by Russian presigious award and handover the antidote to Russian federation but due to Europe and Russia disputes the function ceremony was extended to 19th sept , after all these I thank Frank for saving my family he replied thank Milo not me,it was my job to serve,if Milo wasn't there on my doors may I couldn't get a sence of this issue, later on everything is getting normal,it was the last of July and the vacation was going to over but due to that attack we were ordered to stay with military custody for more days ,dad just get recovered well and he again prepared the antidote and on 19 sept on the award ceremony he thanked officer Frank and also to Milo and while receiving the award he called Milo on stage and gave him a tight hug, after that he went for his work and I returned to my school and it being so difficult for me because the paracticals are were going to held on January and I haven't started my course yet so I gave my full efforts on my carrier and after on boards I returned home after 6-months,Milo get happy while seeing me and little-J got admission in nursery,my results declared it wasn't so good,I got my mood off,dad told me that to "fall once in a battle can't be counted as defeat" so I remake my mind for entrances and I prepared myself and get succeed on the entrances and got admission on a reputed medical school of Russia,I get extremely busy on my studies that I avoid the calls of Emma and not even do video calls for Milo,these things somehow provide some impact to its mind and on every holiday I returned and Milo's behaviour was as usual with so much happy but I was changed in the course of time I even don't have time to Milo while breathing a door besides to him,that hurts him a lot after my medic studies I got good grades on my collage and it's the time to choose on which field I will get post graduate.One night suddenly I dreamt about my mom's (Apoorva) death scene and I woke up,and I applied to get post graduation field to became neurological doctor so that and choose to practice in India,there I worked under Dr.Adhirath Satyarthi,he is the world's top 10 neurological doctor and he offered me a project and while taking the lead I successfully completed it and within those days I just call Emma 2-3 times a month for just 5-10min, which was totally rediculous and after 2years of completion of PG, I applied for job under Indian government and returned to home!! and found that dad got retired and Milo is getting weaker and Jason jonshon (little-j) is on 4th standard,Milo get extremely happy on watching me after 2years,I have brought gifts for Emma and dad and a toys for Jason and a sweet collar for Milo and within 3 weeks I got a message of getting the job at Delhi AIMS as a neurologist and I have to join within 5 days ,so I packed my luggage and something happened,this time Milo just hold my pants tightly that,he was saying not to go again,but I was in a different sentiment so I didn't care so much on that fact, Emma also tried to stop me and told that Milo wasn't taking food properly but I pretend as a blind and deaf person and took the flight,and booked an appatment in Delhi and joined on the last day of my time limit.
It was first day on my hospital, wasn't so good,the peon accidentally dropped the tea cup on me and I get extremely angry and scolded him badly, on next day I asked sorry to the peon and he without any issues excused me and offered me a cup of tea, I just sweeped few drops of tea that a girl(Nidhi Srivastav) on wheelchair with her dad entered into my cabin,I ordered for MRI immidiately,and I found a teumer on her head which was just developed into cancer,it was a very critical case,this same thing was happened to my mom(Apoorva) I just get little bit uncomfortable,I called dr.Adhirath for immidiately he also studied the case and said that this is so risky stage , it just made me more choaked,I took deep breathe and called her father and talked to him personally,I assured him that I will go to any level to made her daughter alright,and I asked him to kept her daughter with me on my appatment,he first denied but I made him to trust me and later on he agreed,I treated her medically instead of going any surgery,for 7months I care a lot for her,and in every 2week I took her for MRI and I found some +ve results , after all 7months were passed I somehow about to get fall in love with Nidhi's nature,and if I get some free time I called Emma,and talk with Jason,and dad but never get curious about Milo,one night while I was dreaming suddenly hear something and found that Nidhi was on floor and getting deep breaths so I immediately took her to operation theatre and called dr.Adhirath for help, inside the OT we two doctors with with two nurses were on our work, after 1hour of operation the red-light closed and I stepped outside and Nidhi's father was just there and asked me about her,I smiled and said that she is totally out of danger,her father hugged me tightly and gracious me a lot and after that I switched on my phone and found that there are 15 missed calls from Emma and 3 from dad,I called Emma immidiately and she said that they have taken Milo to animal care and it's an emergency,I don't know what just happened to me for that instance I get so much concern about Milo and dashed towards airport and bought an emergency ticket for Siberia and after a journey of 25 hours I reached Siberian airport and took a taxi and headed towards animal care and I found that Emma,dad and Jonson were standing outside the OT and the red-light just closed and the doctor said that starvation isn't the cause of his death,he just has been missing someone for a long period and due to that he didn't take his meal regularly time to time and for that he suffered from starvation and left his body.
these things were totally saying that I was responsible for his death it hurts me a lot, after that we took her body to graveyard left him,then I returned to India with my family and Nidhi and her father were there to welcome me and Nidhi spoke her father that she likes me too after all we married.
One of the most amazing fact was that Nidhi have a pet cat 🐈 whom she brings with her and her name is Apoorva,and now Nidhi is pregnant.
After hearing my entire story Aj and the audience present there just get tears on their eyes and at last AJ asked me another question that what name I will gave to my kid,I smile and said if it's a boy then Milo and if a girl it's Emma!!!!!.....
_by P.S.VID