

Are you feeling hurt?😩
In the middle of the big city,there was a museum.The floor in the museum was laid in the marble tiles and in the centre there was a big statue as a part of display .People from all over the world visited the museum .They all admired the beauty of well crafted statue.
Onenight one of the marble tile talk to the statue,"hey statue,we all from the same town,we all from the same mine ,we all transported to the same vehicle ,we all send to very same sculptor...then why people from all over the world come and step on me and praise the beauty of you.Is it fair?..my dear friend,do you remember the day we sat side by side in the orginal form as a marble block.When the sculptor use the tool on you to get a master piece ...you resisted and falling a part..am a right?..ya friend i could not bare the pain its too hurting when the sculptor use the sharp tool in me...The marble statue continued ,thats right you resisted so scupltor give up on you and started working on me ,i accept the pain instead of complaining hurts...so he turn me in to master piece..My friend there is a price for everything.You give up half way and blame others when people step on you now.
life is like a sculptor want to change you into master piece.The question is whether you are ready to handle every test,every knocks,every puzzle ,every trouble .When you face it with positive attitude you become a masterpiece .Everyone see you as a rolemodel and emulate you.If you grumble or crumble down..then you become a marble tile .Every one step on you.So decide which life is best a marble tile or marble statue .
Thank you