

Is it fair?

one day I went to my friend's house
I have seen lots of waste thrown in the open lands in his area ....

I asked him:"why is this area soo dirty? don't you people clean your area?"

He said:"Muncipality has to clean it.why will we do it!"

I asked:"Don't we have any duty?"

He said:"Yes,not throwing the garbage(waste) is our duty."

I asked:"Then,why should we expect someone else to clean the garbage/waste thrown by us?"

He said:"It's their (municipality's)duty to clean."

I said:"Then do you think people will perform their duty(not throwing garbage on empty land)?.. why will someone perform their duty if someone else will do it?..if people has a mindset that muncipality people will clean it,then no one will perform their duty..they will simply throw it like this , thinking that it's municipality's duty to clean what ever waste they throw...
My friend asked:"Do you want me to clean it?"
I said:"No!..people who throw the waste has to clean it. Find the people who are doing this.. tell them to clean..educate them and tell them not to throw waste like this...

yaar ... it's our mother land..
This is the place which is keeping us alive.
And what are we doing in return?..
... killing ourselves as well as the land which is giving life to us...
Is it fair?!"


IF THERE IS SOMEONE TO TAKEUP THE STRUGGLE to do a particular work, DO YOU THINK THAT others WILL PUT their EFFORT in doing such task involving hard work or atleast common sense, ?

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