

Chapter 1

Damion was very devasted that his wife took what he had told her so painfully, he knew that he had done her wrong in the past by letting her aborted so many pregnancy, he was starting to regret his action but he was very young at the time and didn't want the responsibility of becoming a father, he had grown without a father and the father he knew was very abusive and stern and his mother never once shown him the kind of love he wanted, but when he had met Shelly in High School he had fell in love with her because she was so bright and beautiful one of the smartest girl he ever laid eyes on. She was so fun and every boys in School was in love with her she wanted to become a doctor just as he, but how a girl like her could or would love somebody like him broken and abuse but Shelly saw past all that, she saw ambition and passion and that excited her. Shelly Crane was not only beautiful but she came from a good back ground, wealthy family who kneel to her desire she was the princess of the family everyone pride and joy, her siblings Christina and Jake would fight for her affection and attention she showered her siblings with love and they loved her to death. Her parents were no push overs they will crush you without blinking an eye to anyone who tried to hurt them or their family, they didn't play fair even thou they had a beautiful daughter who love everyone and everything around her, she aspire to become a doctor and that's what they wanted her to be and supported her.
Damion was shocked when he found out who Shelly exactly was and he was dumbstruck and intimidated by her wealth and beauty so he avoided looking at her but he couldn't help himself each time he saw her, his heart would skip a beat and his eyes would light up like a Christmas tree. Shelly notice him all the time and found him cute being so young when they met what did children know about love and pride she was just only thirteen and he fifteen but who says teen can't fall in love early so Shelly decided that he was the boy for her and why not claim him now before some idiot girl set eyes on him, which every girl in her class likes him and talk about him but it was when she over heard one of her classmates stating that Damion was in love with her that her heart fluttered and she decided that since he was afraid to approach her she would approach him instead and that day after the bell rang Shelly ran up to Damion and did the boldest thing ever. " Damion, wait! I like to talk to you." Shelly burst out saying. Damion taught he was hearing stuff and almost fell when he was about to turn around, he couldn't speak so Shelly did all the talking, " Hi Damion right, well I just wanted to let you know that I like you and I think your very handsome and all the girls in School think the same but they're not your type, I think I'm your type and I know you like me but afraid to approach me so...... With that said I want to be your girlfriend." Damion went to heaven and back but at that moment he taught Shelly was playing some cruel game with him and just stand there looking at her, when she just came closer to him and kiss him on the mouth. If a kiss could have killed someone Damion would have died and gone to heaven he was like in another world for a second, he was like drowning on his excitement, he couldn't believe that the most beautiful girl he layed eye on wanted to be his girl and she kiss him on the lips, all Damion did was nog his head and smile. Everyone in School that day was heart broken and shocked all the boys and girls were jealous from that day on they were inseparable.
© Keryiann Mcneil