

That Feeling
Hey writco...its been a long time.. isn't it?? I was busy as my new session has started.
Today I am here to give you update of my life..though its almost same as before,still I want to...
my routine is simple..I wake up in the morning..dressed up for school and went to a place for which I have mixed feelings..before your start thinking something else ,let me clear..I am talking about my school!!

its very tough for me to describe my school!! but I would like to give it a try.. I like to go to school because I have one friend with whom I laugh a lot,disscuss about everything almost and so on..but somtimes I feel inferior, when the teachers give importance to few students, when you are ignored , collectively, when you are treated as a invisible person..I don't know if I should feel this way or not but I couldn't stop my feelings even when I try to convince myself it's not true..you are just overthinking....
I don't know how many of you felt this way but if you are reading this and felt the same please reply.. what I can do to ignore these unimportant matters who seem to take an important position in my life!!!!
- word_addict🌚