

Convo having a holdup
Conversations are a part of friendship. It’s actually the life of true friendship. It’s something we naturally can’t do without because it aids our understanding in areas where we are clueless.

I know this, for I have had my own share of friendships. Most went south and few went home. You know like CR7 when he shoots the ball through the net or when he shoots the ball up the air, missing the net in all ramifications.

It’s quite natural to get excited when you connect with someone the very first time. Yet, even while doing this, I find that the brain is working overtime, trying to see beyond the excitement, to note where each person falls in. Should they be a friend, acquaintance, or something more?

A lot of people would claim that this has to do with the past commitments and you're creating boundaries. This is not always true. Actually, it's human nature to put people in boxes.
With that said, we need to be more careful on how we judge at this time, not to miss out completely on a lifetime of friendship that could be impacting. At least, that’s what I do.

Let me move close to home, which is talking on my walk with friendship. I was born in the age of technology but my walk with it didn’t start early. I didn’t have a phone. Even when I graduated from high school, I still didn’t have a phone. It was when I got to the age of 17/18, my dad finally got me a phone which was accessible to everyone. I didn’t mind actually because I enjoyed doing other things with my time. Those other things meant being stuck with a novel or having my face in front of a television. Yea, I was that type of girl.

My personality was quite introverted. I rarely made friends. I was nice to people but having a heart to heart talk was something I just didn’t know how to do and didn’t bother myself with. Back in high school, I moved with a couple of girls but somehow I felt like I didn’t know anything about them as they didn’t know anything about me. We didn’t try to bridge the gap and now, each of us are doing our own thing in our worlds. We’ve moved from there.

Now, when I got my first phone I was excited. I got launched into a world i knew next to nothing about. The hype during 2013-2015 was on a mobile application called 2GO. Oh, the joy of getting my hands on the app. Lol. I was pretty much obsessed with it and found that not really seeing the person on the other side, could make me actually become a talkative as opposed to my quiet nature.

Though, I didn’t go about making a gazillion of friends. But, I was content with the ones I had close at the time. It was nice to have someone to talk to and feel like you’re actually being a good friend.

Well, those times has withered off and now, I’m more grown and have so many responsibilities, I barely have the time for 2go, I can’t even remember my username or password. I had gone through other social media applications, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram and Snapchat. I’m still using them till now.

The friends I’ve built on this apps are more than 1000. I call them friends because majority are really important to me. But my friend cliche has one problem, time.

How the hell do I make out time for all of them? What do I do? That is so scary. I hear some complain that I don’t have time for them anymore. It’s not that. I really do but how would they know, they are in my prayers, when I don’t check up on them? Also, being in the adult phase, you have so many responsibilities on your table, there won’t be adequate time for everyone.

This made me really think. Think very hard. It drew me to a conclusion, you may not agree but it’s the truth when we think about it.

I don’t blacklist anyone, except it’s absolutely necessary. Yet, I’m not so naive to think I can be for everyone. There is a limit to what I can take. Also, I realized if I can’t let you go, it would be much better to create a more timeline, to note how you’re doing and what you’re up to.

In the first paragraph, I said conversations are important. That’s another thing my friendships taught me. I noticed that when I opened up and they opened up, it flowed naturally and not like it’s being forced.

When you start to withdraw, the closeness suffers, no matter how you were so great at the beginning. That’s why taking too many friends can be awful. And even with little friends, you don’t care for, can be equally awful.

Where is the win then? There is no win until we look into ourselves and know what we’re looking at in friendship, then we can work towards being a good friend at all times.

I’m still learning. In a few months, or maybe years, I’d like to come back to this topic as a more knowledgeable soul. Yet, I’d like to say conversations are the soul of friendships. If you don’t communicate, how do you nurture? It’s important to keep that in mind.

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© favody