

A tragic story
story starts from a girl, who is confused of her feelings towards girls. when she grew up and finally learn to accept the natural feeling, people already gave it a tag to the feelings. she hated it. she despised those tags.
she argued, why my feelings need to be tag as some name, it's natural, it doesn't need any labels. bt it was too late.

now if anyone ask her are you lesbian??
she just answer, no. i have feelings for human beings but specifically for girls only.

because she hates labels. like river love also find its own path. it doesn't need any people's validation to be present among us. the girl hates lgbt parade. its not demand fr love or equality. its just a charades to show off and make orthodox people angry.

love doesn't say to do all these things. love never demands to be loved or to be recognised.

the girls tragedy, people dont understand this simple thing.
© Mayur
#lgbtq #lgbt #lgb