

tells of untold
There was a time, a time of gold was to be found miles and miles around from the beginning Coast to the end of coast, when rivers was filled with riches of gold from the murky waters of the river in the frontier of the west. I prosperton them hills of mountain in a mineshaft due northampton checkpoint of the river where gold was being pick by the dozens. I was digging for diamonds and emeralds of all types of gems that could make a man rich, richer than the whole damn president of the whole frontier in the whole wild west. Now that I retired but the of gems in my stocks that I may sell for Prophets to get my own land in my own area of my own some day, for now I continue to mine for them gems that I saw and collecting rare artifacts that are known to me for those who know may acknowledge that but for now I dige for gems in a mineshaft in them hills. When I got back in town of tuneso I decided to live my fortune so I sold my gems to retailer to get them weight. The retailer weight them gems and gave me $99.00 for the discovery of new gems that I brought in from the mine that I was digging in. The first thing I did was to buy a land so I could raise my own business in my own area. I've called my shop the diamond of gems, catchy ain't it? anyways I went back to the hills where I was mining at a continued to dig it and found an old chest with chains all around it like someone was trying to keep something in it. I took that very same chest to my shop and opened it. It had books of theaters of plays long ago from an earlier time period, so I decided to restore it and sell it to the public but some I kept for display in my store and home. Until one day someone came to the store and was asking if I new where her scripts were at. I've post for a second or two typical her beauty of beautiness but she was diamond from a goal age of beauty. She saw my displays and recognize them so I gave them back to her every last one of them. She asked me to a date I agreed to do so. I had a wonderful time with her and she decided to be my girlfriend, I went for it and lived happily ever since we meet now you know my background story and shall be told to be given to not take and assume that it was to be forgotten for centuries.