

The Best of my Life
Though some see me as worthless and not successful enough, an easy target for adult trafficking to take my rights away, and ruin my pursuit of happiness, fortunately plenty disagreed.

It is true I face misfortune, and I've been learning more about myself and wise ways to turn my life around.

However my homemaking was not worthless. As people can see on Bella Vista, homemaking skills are invaluable. Though underemployed my education is not worthless, I'm still thinking of how I can use what I learned despite not finding employment using my skills, talent and knowledge in many ways.

Some invent if we didn't find the same opportunities, we did something very wrong. I found wise counselors. Though more women are finding higher education, it's very likely we will be underemployed.

Actually my education didn't teach me many things about financial independence. In my country the younger people have a small fraction of the buying power of the older adults. I did what I could and I am still not the best but gaining information and opportunities has shown all I needed was information and a chance to have the better job I found. I can look other ways to supplement my income. One day I hope to be doing professional work with a flexible schedule and financial freedom.

I also learned about the 30 UN rights that everyone around the world has, the 17 goals of the UN and the UNESCO Children's Bill of Rights. Now, as I try to develop my passions as I can, I'm also learning how to help make a difference in the world. How to help others be healthier, happier and live in a crime free world. That is a great passion to develop.

The hardships gave me challenges to overcome. I'm still overcoming some challenges. Many false accusations have been proven wrong, many corrupt people have been exposed, and I'm even outliving plenty who tried to set me up for bootleg social security to get rid of me and loot me who were claiming I was very unhealthy and totally insane.

Everyone's somewhat crazy. We're humans so imperfect. Actually doctors have indicated I am exceptionally healthy for my age. The healthy diet so many criticize, has been a life saver. I also learned most people hate more than drug users, alcoholics, smokers, and people with sexual exceptionalities or physical ones, the vegans. I follow the advice of medical doctors and other knowledgeable people to keep it balanced and keep looking things up to modify it as life demands. Why in the world should eating healthy and cruelty free be a problem? That's how crazy some mean people are. The world needs more nice people!

I hope my joyful perseverance helps some. There's been some heartbreak. Through it all, I continue to find good reasons for enjoying my work and existing to help. I want to go beyond small donations and promoting good ideas. One day, I hope to find some close friends with shared interests and beliefs, and we can help each other with these things. I also haven't given up on love.

There are many sorts of good love in life. I'll find what I need with time. Love will find a way!

© Kaylene Peters