

(Short story)The winter voice
A long time ago winters meant death for some.This is a short tale of one of those winters

a family who had been fighting for every season of the year were forced to spend their winter at home.The girl was a teenager often in trouble for her late nights out and laziness.The younger brother was fought with because he would never listen or try and clean up anything.The mother was fought with by the husband as she had been with another man.The husband was fought with because he was in jail for quite some time for vandalism.

The family would fight in the scorching summers and even in the blooming spring.This freezing winter was no diffrent.One winter the home was covered in snow.The boy had cried and didn't want to calm down.The daughter kept walking away and went to her room ignoring her parents.The wife kept argueing telling the husband to lock the door for snow would come in and the husband was frustrated at the boy's screaming but the mother would not let him dicipline the child.

The husband got sick of the screaming and moved to the kitchen.The mother moved to the living room.Leaving the child un watched.The door started shaking.The boy tried to walk away but slipped on his toys he refused to clean up and fell on the floor.The door swung open and snow fell over the boy.The boy could not scream but in his struggle getting out heard a voice of winter
"You are naughty and refuse to help.You must make a sacrafice to prove yourself worth a soul."
The boy agreed.He came out of the snow and the door closed.The boy was freezing and when he thanked the voice he realised his mouth was gone.

The wife in the living room thought of how guilty the husband was.She went to lie down on the couch.As she lied down the windows burst open and cold wind blows into the room.The coach tips over onto the woman and the table pushes the couch down weighing the woman's neck.
"You have been un faithfull and commited ultimate sin.You think of yourself and not your husband.You must make a sacrafice to prove yourself worthy."

The woman agrees and the window closes.The table falls and the woman has enough power to lift the coach.As she stands she realises her her is falling out and her skin has wrinkled and old.

The man sits in the kitchen and after smacking closed the fridge a glass falls on the ground.He goes to pick it up when the knifes from the shelf fall and pierce his neck and back.
"You have acted like a child not thinking of your family.You need sacrafice prove your live worthy"
He agrees.The knifes are back on the table and the man's wounds are healed
He knows because his head is the wrong way around and he can see his back.

The girl sits in her room when she hears clicking on the window.She opens the window to see and the window smacks closed on her hands.She screams and backs up tripping over something and falls on her head.She is bleeding but can't gain power to get up.
"You have been ignorant.You disobey the rules and ignore your parents.You need sacrafice to prove your life worthy."
The girl agreed.Her head stopped bleeding and her fingers didn't hurt because they were gone.The girl lost her hands.She screamed and walked down the stairs.The roaring wind is heard outside.The backward head father,mouthless brother and elderly mother sit on the coach.She sits next to them and the family apologise to each other for all the things they did and they would change.

From that winter the father respected the law,the mother stayed fate full,the boy obeyed his parents and the girl never left the house without permission.

Author note:Ok ok I know really weird story BUT to be fair.Its lesson is important.Before looking at others faults look at your own.
© salvation writing