

The Cat, the Dog and a Cute Little White Mouse Named Skuttles
"Einey Meeney Miney Moe! Catch a Mousey by its Toe."


A #WRITCO Exclusive








and Introducing Cute Little SKUTTLES

😺 🐶 🐀

Once upon a time, in a home not too distant from yours, live a Scottish Terrier named Skottles, a white tabby cat name Skittles, and a cute little white mouse named Skuttles. Now, Skottles had a penchant for playing with the tail of Skittles; and Skittles liked to knead the furry fur of cute little Skuttles. Skuttles, of course, being the cute little mouse she was, enjoyed watching TV, playing hide and go seek, and reading Children's Books. She was a bright (and cute) little mouse, schooled at Yale, with a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmaceutical and Medical Training. She likes to mix things.

Now how in the world, you say, can a mouse (cute that she was) attain a degree? 😂

Well, let me tell you!

She used to stay in a laboratory in Silicon Valley. They trained her from when she was first born to eat, read and even speak like a human. It was an arduous and ambitious task; but she managed to pull it off with her trusting companions, Skittles and Skottles. All three thought and could speak like humans (in their own ways) in perfect English. So as our story continues, now you'll understand why when they speak, how they acquired this ability 😂


"Let's go for an outing in the Park," Skuttles suggested.

"I don't know," Skottles was hesitant. "A lot of dangers out there, especially for you Skuttles."

Skittles just smiled for a while. "Yeah, hehe, lots and lots of DANGERS!" And Skittles chased Skuttles round and round the sofa. Skittles wasn't trying to actually catch or hurt Skuttles. This was just their little pastime to wile away the hours of day.

"But I want to go out and play!" Skuttles insisted. "And besides, you need to go poo anyways. LET'S GO!"

So off they three went, Skottles, Skittles and Skuttles through the doggy door 🚪

Skuttles of course ALWAYS rode on the back of either Skittles or Skottles, and ofttimes acted like a Jockey yelling


They were not amused.

But they three were great friends. Today though, there was a sneaky little menace scoping out Skottles, Skittles and the cute little mouse named Skuttles. It buzzed and buzzed yellow fuzz and fur. It zipped up to Skottles from behind to her bum bum and bit him.


She screamed as she jumped in the air and landed on top of Skittles' tail, who then jumped with fright


Who bounced off Skuttles into a nearby pond.



"Ahahaha!" The horsefly guffawed and laughed. "Gotcha gotcha GOTCHA!" And it zipped and zapped towards them again for another nibble.

Skottles ran to the left.

Skittles ran to the right

But the cute little mouse (now wet) named Skuttles ... well she just stood her ground. And when the horsefly came in for another chunk, she opened her wide maul, and swallowed the horsefly whole with a


And the horsefly bit and chewed all the way down, but Skuttles jumped and bumped, hopped and plopped. And soon the horsefly went away.


Cried Skottles and Skittles. But soon storm clouds filled the sky as the afternoon time quickly ticked by.

It was time to go home.


This ended this day of play for Skottles and Skittles and the cute little mouse named Skuttles, as they three ate their dinner


And their masters sent them to bed.

And they three


Say to you too ...


© I Am MichAel