

My Native Wolf.... Part 7
Before my eyes I see Clovers shoulders slump as she draws back into herself. What happened to her to make her so scared of men. I have shown nothing but interest in her, something happened. Clover takes this moment to try and lift up and off my lap. Oh hell no! Tightening my grip on her, she turns her face toward me, her lips pouty, her eyes with a glimmer of tears in them.
“We started a conversation on our hike and you promised me you’d tell me, now I want the answers to my questions.” Clover gasps, quickly pulling from my tight grip she almost topples straight into the fire. Moving quickly To my feet I grab CLover from behind and pull her back to me. Turning her around quickly I scowl at her.
“In an attempt to get away from me, you almost fell face first into a fire.” A tear escapes her right eye and I know immediately I need to change tactics. Softening I gently pull her into me. Clover wraps her arms around my middle. I don’t know what she is hiding but we’ve got to get it out in the open. Lifting her by her hips Clover gasps when I settle back on the log with her straddling me.
“No secrets Clover, tell me.”

I know he has a valid point and a I did say I would tell him. Keeping my eyes down on his stomach.
“I was in college in Illinois. I was always a bit shy. But then one day this really good looking guy started paying attention to me. I was over the moon and then he got me to… to… to have sex with him. It was my first time, he wasn’t gentle like he had been since the moment I met him. To make a long story short, he filmed the whole thing and put it online. The whole school had seen it in less than 24 hours. The dean couldn’t stop it. The things people said to me or… about me.” I shuddered at the memory, suddenly feel cold inside.
“So I packed up and left school within a week of the video being released. I spent my days at the hospital with my ailing father. I’ve been contacted by the school that they’ve had the FBI remove the video but I’m not nieve enough to believe it will ever truly be gone. It could come back to haunt me at any point in time. You hold a high position in your pack. That video could be used against me and even worse… you. I like you Levi, but I don’t want that to happen.” I try to pull up and away from Levi’s lap but his grip tightens on me again like a vise.
“Has the human paid for what he did to you?” I shake my head no,
“He said his phone was hacked into and officials believe him. His parents have a lot of money. He though made the worst jokes about me… laughing and carrying on with his friends. He did it on purpose, filmed us on purpose, just to humiliate me.” Levi’s hands start to massage my legs and thighs.
“He will pay for what he did to you Clover. I can’t be specific so if they come looking for you then you will be honest in your surprise if they come to talk to you just know that he will be dealt with. Did he hurt you, physically?” I keep myself from looking at him.
“No more than normal I’m assuming, it was… horrible. Nothing like I expected. I’m not ready to do it again as much as my traiterous body wants to.” Levi chuckles softly.
“I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you what a Goddess you truly are. I can be a very patient man. I am at your command Clover.” Finally able to look at him, I’m actually stunned. No one has ever been there for me like that, cared enough to wait.
Levi’s eyes bore into mine. The smell of burned sage fills my nose and my head swims. Grabbing Levi’s arms to steady myself, my body isn’t listening when my core pushes hard against Levi’s growing erection. Moaning softly Levi cures.
“Fuck!” My mind is thick with the smell of burned sage that I can’t think straight. Why is he cursing though? Did I do something wrong? Looking down I see my hand has wrapped itself around his cock.I fling myself off his lap to the left,
“I’m Sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I whimper at the loss of his heat.
“You just smell so good, like burning sage and pine.” Levi stands to his full height over me and I purr.
“Levi? What’s wrong with me? Bend down here so I can lick you please.” Levi did bend down but not to let me lick him. He lifted me into his arms,
“I knew this was going to happen but I thought you’d hold out a little longer. You’re in heat Clover.” I’m in what??
“I’m not a dog Levi. Where are you taking me? Ravish me right here in the wild, I want to feel the dirt beneath me when you do.” Levi groans above me when I nip at his chest.
“You have no idea how tempting that is but you’d hate me in the morning. I can’t have that.” Why is he talking when he should be kissing me.
“I could never hate you. Please, I need you inside me.” Lowered to a soft palet on the floor of the tent I pull off my tank and waste no time removing my pants. Naked before him, my head swims again with the smells of the forest around us. Locking my eyes with his I lick my lips.
“Please…” Levi pulls his shirt off, my eyes go straight to his tattoos. Following his hands as they went to his belt I think my heart is going to explode. Before he gets them unzipped though his fingers run along the seam of my nether lips and I gasp.
“I haven’t even touched you yet. You’re soaking wet… Let me help you my mate.” Levi drops to his stomach and all but attacks my pussy. The instant onslaught of his tongue on my clit makes me want to cry from the pleasure overload.
“Oh God yes Levi!” Moaning loudly, my hips move to the rhythm he sets. Running my hands through his hair I hold him to me. Levi’s tongue and teeth are savagely licking, sucking and nipping me towards the fastest orgasm of my life. It always takes me at least 20 minutes to achieve what he is going to be do in,
“Oh, Oh, Oh…” My orgasm breaks through like a raging hurricane and all I have to hold onto is Levi. Unable to catch my breath Levi slows his tongue but doesn’t stop, bless him. What has to be hours later, Levi finally stops. I’ve never had 7 orgasms in one night. I’m completely spent. Levi lays down beside me and lifts me over onto his chest.
“That was… amazing. No ones ever… I don’t have the words right now. I’m so tired.” Levi’s chest rumbles beneath me and it’s music to my ears.
“It’s ok Clover, we’ll talk more in the morning. Go to sleep, I’ll watch over you.” My werewolf protector. The sound of Levi’s steady slow heart beat is the last thing I hear before falling asleep.

I only ment to make her cum twice but damn she tasted so good I couldn’t bring myself to stop. Hearing her orgasm 7 glorious times was enough to appease my wolf for now. I swear her nails became sharp claws around the 4th orgasm. Maybe my little she wolf isn’t going to be a wolf at all. Is she? Looking down at Clover snuggled into my side she’s rubbing her cheek against my skin and purring. Nope, definitely not a she wolf, she’s going to be of the feline variety I assume. Cougar? Mountain lion? Tiger? Leopard? The possibilites are endless.
If Linda or any of her 4 males with her are in a 3 mile radius of us she definitely heard CLover. If she wasn’t pissed before she will be now. The thought brings a smile to my lips. The angrier she becomes, the easier it will be for her to make a mistake. Then we will be able to take her out without to much fuss.
My eyes are tired but there’s no way I’m going to sleep. My watch says it’s 11 o’clock. Covering us with a blanket I give Clover a light squeeze…
A twig snaps outside and I come to full attention. It’s still dark. Checking my watch again it says 2:30am. Fuck, I actually nodded off. Another twig snaps to the right. I swear the last one was to the left. I sniff the air, my heart skips a beat. Four males and… Linda. Pulling out from beneath Clover she jumps up with a start,
“I smell something.” She’s looking all around us when I touch her face making her look at me. I touch my fingers to my lips and signal her to keep quet. She nods.

I can’t believe this is happening! Our evening was going so well. How can I smell them? Life just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Levi pulls out a huge hunting knife from beneath the pallet. Damn, shit is getting real. Following Levi’s lead I climb to my feet. I’m about to get dresssed when,
“I know you can smell us. Why don’t you come out for a chat… Or I’ll send them in to get you.” That must be the infamous Linda. Levi takes me by the hand and pulls me out of the tent with him. At the other side of the clearing is a woman with long black hair. She’s extremely fit and beautiful. Oh and she’s completely naked. To her left and right stand 4 men wearing pants but no shirt.
Linda takes her eyes off of Levi to give me a look of disgust when she looks me up and down.
“You chose this fat, lumpy and dumpy white woman over this?” She emphasizes “this” with a wave of her hand over her body.
“You haven’t mated her yet, good. I’m going to kill her.” Levi and I growl at the same time. Linda looks shocked before laughing.
“Well isn’t that cute. The fat human growls when she’s upset.” Levi pulls me behind him.
“As enforcer of this pack, it is you who will die tonight Linda. You’ve broken pack law.” Again with her annoying laugh.
“Keep him busy boys while I kill the bitch. Time to teach her a lesson about stealing another womans man.” The men around her start to shuck there pants. Shit, what am I going to do? I just found the best thing to ever happen to me and she’s not going to take him away from me.
The wind suddenly picks up in the clearing and my hands burn.
“Ouch!” Levi turns to look down at me. I hold up my hands, huge claws are now where my fingers use to be.
“Holy shit, how did I do that?” Levi’s eyes are as big as quarters. Well great, he has no idea either.
“Time to die!” Snarls erupt behind Levi and he spins just in time to slash the first wolves throat. Screaming as I’m pulled backwards by my hair I’m thrown at the tent. I hear the poles snap as it collapses under my weight.
“Don’t worry your digusting flappy self. I’m going to cut out your heart.” Trying to climb to my feet Linda kicks me in the stomach so hard I hear a rib or two crack before I fly through the air and land on sticks. I can’t breath.
Thankfully, this time she pulls me to my feet by my hair. She must not have noticed my claws because she doesn’t seem worried at all. I won’t last much longer in this fight if I don’t do something soon. I still can’t seem to catch my breath. I pull back and swing my arm foreward as hard as I can. A look of pain crosses Linda’s pretty face before she looks down. Following her gaze I see my claws are deep inside her stomach. Her hand makes to swing at me so I twist my hand around before pulling it out. Linda screams before crumpling to the ground lying in a pile of her own intestines. She looks confused before the light in her eyes fades. She’s staring out into the woods but no ones home. She’s dead.
A warm trickle down my side gets my attention. There’s a stick embedded in between my ribs. I collapse as the adrenaline starts to wear off. I have a collapsed lung and broken ribs.
Growling and screams fill the air while I fade in and out of consciousness. When the fighting stops I wonder if Levi is ok or if I killed Linda in vein only to be put down by her henchmen.
“She’s over here!” Goodbye cruel world. I close my eyes. I don’t want to see it coming. Strong fingers feels for a pulse at my neck.
“She’s alive Levi! She’s alive. She gutted Linda, how did she make her claws come out. Did you bite her?” Huh? Opening my eyes everything is hazy and blurry but I still manage to make out that it’s one of Levi’s friends.
“Later, get out of my way.” Levi! He’s alive. Searching for him when he finally kneils down into my line of sights. He’s as white as a ghost, why?
“Clover, I didn’t want to have to do it this way but we’re to far from a doctor. You have a collapsed lung and most likely a concussion if not a brain bleed. I need to bite you. The were transformation will heal you. Please, I can’t loose you. I smile up at him softly,
“Do it.” The edges of my vision start to darken.”
“Hurry Levi, she doesn’t have much time.” A loud howl next to me hurts my ears when a sharp pain in my leg makes me scream. I’m on fire! My body starts to shake uncontrollably, almost like a seizure that I am aware I am having. I want to scream but the pain is to much. I count my blessings when I finally pass out.
Clover just passed out. Changing back to human I check her pulse, it’s strong. Her breathing is still shallow from the collapsed lung.
“Yanto, we need to pull the stick from her lung. Help me hold her down.” My friends had arrived in time to kill the last rogue were. After killing 3 my energy was gone. I’m glad they got back before dawn.
Moving around to Clovers injured side Yanto takes my place. He grips her side by the stick and uses his other hand to hold her shoulder. I relly hope this doesn’t wake her back up. From the others who’ve gone thorugh the transition I hear it’s extremely painful.
“On the count of 3… 1… 2… 3!” I pull the stick swiftly and curse. Yanto hands me a roll of gauze fom the medical kit.
“Fuck, it was 3 inches in!” My friends remain silent at my side, most of all Smith.
“Smith, I don’t like the look on your face. This wasn’t your fault.” He’s still looking at Clover,
“I shouldn’t have left you both out here. 2 against 5. I know the odds weren’t good. I could have stopped this. I failed you both, will I fail my own mate when she needs me the most?” I put my hand on his shoulder.
“Brother, I told you to go. I knew the risks. Clover is going to be ok, you did not fail her and you will not fail your mate waiting for you back at your tree. Yes I know about her. Anything you need from me, you let me know. Help me carry her back?” Smith nods.
We pack Clover up on a rescue cot. Everyone grabs a corner while I carry what gear I can without being weighed down. Our pace is slow but we finally arrived at my house by 5 in the afternoon. My father and the medicine man are on the porch. Kolmin, our medicine man kneels down to Clover and checks her over. When he pulls the gauze from her side I’m relieved to see she is no longer bleeding. Kolman smiles,
“She’s healing extremely fast. This is common among feline breeds. Her coat won’t be much camoflage in the summer but in the winter she’ll be in her element.” What does that mean?
“You know what kind of cat she is?” Kolman smiles,
“Yes, she’s our packs first snow leopard. A beautiful white and silver coat with small black spots. She is going to be fine physically but mentally she is going to need a stable environment to help her through this. She needs rest, if you need me please call at any hour. I’ll be here.” With that Kolman leaves. My brothers take their leave as well.