


Another day of sunshine and Ava is still in bed.she wakes up and starts singing to her favorite music
while dusting her bed.
For the first time Ava seems to be
enjoying her life.
While Ava was thinking, Chris slowly creaked the door open.
Ava picked up an object ready to
hit anyone that came close to her,
but to her surprise it was just Chris.
she dropped the object and stood there looking speechless, Chris told her to follow him.
she was a little 🤨 skeptical because she knew that she will be forced into doing things that she knew was illegal. While Chris was looking out she immediately grabbed a gun and hid it in her cloth.
Chris immediately turned to Ava,
Ava pretending to be picking up her phone mistakenly broke a glass close to her. Chris got mad and looked at her suspiciously
Ava immediately came out of the room to avoid trouble. Ava felt like she was being looked at . She turned and saw Chris looking at her. she started feeling uncomfortable thinking 💬 that he was leading her to the wrong direction, she gulped her saliva Three times before concentrating on where they were going.
After few minutes they finally reached their destination.She looked around and saw Ben standing at the door. He gave her a choice.
1: join the Gang or die

Ava trembled in fear having nothing to say.She remembered the gun and tried to use it to fight but they threw her down 👇.
Being scared she immediately made a choice and regretted the choice the minute she said it.

🥺 please follow me i really need it thanks 👍🏾

stay tuned for part 3👍🏾.
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