

This is a topic that always makes me wonder.It can be so broad when you look at it from different angles.

As a Christian, I was thought by my parents that love and forgiveness were so important in life.

As I was growing up, I encountered little offenses of here and there and I would say sorry and it was over. It was settled, and life was so simple.

Love and Forgiveness go hand in hand.

Love, when it's pure and real, it really doesnt judge, it doesnt see hate,jealousy,envy or hatred. That’s love at it's best. In my opinion.

When you love somebody, and this could be any type of love. Between siblings,parents,friends or spouses.Its the same love but in different ways.

Forgiveness, on the other hand is easier when you have love within you and for others. Then forgiveness comes easily.

Kids know true love. They can get mad which is a normal emotional expression but it doesnt last for long and they move on into something else.

Forgiveness is a hard thing. Its an emotional feeling that somebody did something bad or disappointing to you and you have to forgive them.

I have been through episodes I unforgiveness in my heart.I used to not forgive. I held thing in my heart. And really, it was affecting my health. I had breathing issues, and heaviness on my chaste since my teenage years.I would get mad over everything,yes everything and stay mad.

So, I learned that when you dont forgive, it hurts your health.It causes unhappiness and also it blocks you from receiving your full blessings.Because we have to remember Jesus died on the cross for us.That in mind should always keep us going as far as being forgiving.

You are carrying a burden of sin by keeping the person that hurt you in your heart, or in your thoughts constantly.Its like, your are not forgiving nor forgetting. Keep in mind that when we approach God mercifully in repentance, he forgives us. He says, eventhough your sins are red as scarlet, they will be white as snow. God also tells us that he will remember our sins no more.Thats how much our God loves each one of us. Shouldnt we also show the same mercy towards each other.

I remember couple year ago, I was in my early twenties. Somebody had done something that really made me so disappointed in them. Bitterness had developed in me.It was bothering me so much.The person had already asked for forgiveness. And that was the only thing that they could really do. So on their side, they had cleared their way, and freed themselves from the burden of j confessed sin and the burden of guilt. But I was left with a heavy burden in my heart.There was nothing else that this person could e done.what had happened, happened and what was done was done.I had to deal with a wound in my heart.

So one day I said to myself, I cant be living like this. This thing is bothering me. This pain in my heart needs to be released from me.It was too much I couldn’t take it no more.I kneeled down on that day. I knew that god would be the only person that would take this heavy burden of unforgiveness and pain off my heart.He went to the cross for me. He said come to me you all that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

From that day on, I was free.I was really free. What was beavy on my heart was lifted off my chest. One day I just noticed that, oh what used to bother me is not there no more.That was it. The good Lord had freed my heart.

I've seen some people, people that are close to me and they cant forgive. They would say they have forgiven the person but yet through their actions towards the person then you can feel a sense of unforgiveness because they would constantly remember what the person did to them and they will get emotional or keeping remembering what the person did.When you truly forgive,you feel free.With the help.of the Holy Spirit he makes it even easier to forget the hurt and pain.

You would see somebody struggling and you know you could help but then you feel that the person has done you wrong or they suffering because of their own bad choices. But us, as Christians, aren't we called to forgive and do the right thing.

Jesus said;

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

They asked Jesus when did all that happened to him but he was actually referring to us.When we help people in those kind of situations, it's like we doing that for Jesus.

Some people would say why would I even visit somebody in prison, they deserve to be there. But that's the love that Jesus wants us to have for others.

Jesus wants us to love where its difficult to love.
He says, if you love those who love you,what credit is that to you?

Let’s Love one another, Forgive one another And Have Peace with one another. Amen.

© vivirjm