

Cousins... Part 4
I look at his face and search it for a lie. He isn’t lying… I sit quickly and push him to the mattress.
“You’re serious…” Jameson grins
“Very, plus thats not how you eat someone Gwen, this is…” He grabs my hips and pulls me up to his face. I am so caught off guard that I am on my hands and knees over his face before I register the position. I am above to move when he grabs my hips and pulls me down. I am seconds away from protesting when his mouth is on me, sucking, licking and moving around.
“Jameson!” I am afraid to move, but damn that feels so good. Jameson smacks my ass and I flinch foreward and moan loudly, yes, oh yes, moving is amazing. I move my hips foreward and back in small movements. Jameson smacks my ass again and pulls my hips down tighter to his face. I feel his tongue push gently inside of me and it doesn’t hurt. No, it just feels amazing! I am so close, another orgasm is just out of reach.
“Please, please, Jameson, don’t stop. Yours, all yours, ohhhhhh.” Jameson growls which vibrates against me and I come undone. My orgasm is stronger than the last, my whole body tightens above him before turning to mush. Jameson rolls me to the side and I lay there not moving. All I can do is breath. Jameson moves up next to me and pulls me over onto his chest.
“All mine…. I never would have guessed it. Give a virgin a few mind blowing orgasms and then BAM mine forever.” He chuckles and I swat him on the chest.
“We don’t even know what this is Jameson. This is moving so quickly, I don’t think I can keep up.” Jameson grabs my breast and massages it.
“You were so opposed, 3 orgasms later and you profess you are all mine… To others we may be family but to me your my friend, my lover and family... you’re mine in every way.” He pinches my nipple and I gasp.
“Ok, and what are we going to label this?” He thinks it over your a minute and shrugs,
“We haven’t spent enough time together to confirm boyfriend and girlfriend status but I like the idea of that is where we are heading.” I ponder that over,
“But we are related, no one would ever be able to know we are together. I want kids someday Jameson.” He rubs my back and then I remember I am suppose to be getting ready. I jump up off the bed.
“Dang, I need to get ready. What time is it? Ahh I have 10 minutes to get dressed.” I run to my suitcase and fling it open and start throwing clothes out behind me onto the floor. I pull out a loose fit black dress, yes, perfect for a funeral. I throw on a bra, but when I try to put underwear on I loose my balance and would have fallen if it hadn’t been for Jameson catching me.
“You sure are in a hurry to get to a lunch date with a man you say you don’t like. What are you wearing?” I put my underwear on and turn to him. He looksupset.
“I am only doing this so I can tell my mother he is a loser and I won’t be seeing him again. I am wearing this loose fit black dress that is fit for a funeral. You will be there right? I don’t think this is going to go over well.” I hug Jameson around his midsection and breath in the scent of his skin and place a gentle kiss on his chest.
“Or maybe I can stand him up, you smell good. GIrls are known for not showing right? My mom can get over it, I’ll tell her I started my period.” Jameson laughs.
“No, you are no the kind of woman who stands someone up. I’ll call the guys and we will be close by. If he does anything you don’t like, get up and walk away.” I nod.
“I need to do my make up… Actually no I don’t, I can go fresh faced and un painted! He can deal or not. Maybe I could fart really loudly or something.” Jameson Bursts into a fit of laughter.
“I am going to have my camera ready incase you do that one. I will never let you live it down. Get your shoes, you need to go.” I put on a pair of lime green flip flops cause I don’t need to seem sensible or anything. Jameson pulls me in for a deep kiss before I head out the door.

Jameson was right, there are signs once I reach the top floor. I have been in some seriously swanky places and this one doesn’t count but I guess for a beach resort it isn’t bad. The woman behind the podeum looks me over and curls her lip at my shoes, perfect!
“Table for one?” I give her an award winning smile,
“That would be a table for two, I am meeting a William Helmsly?” Her eyes get as big as quarters before returning to normal.
“He is waiting for you. Please follow me.” I follow the immaculately dressed could be model through the restaurant. It is lunch time so the crowd is pretty thin. She leads me to a table off to the far side away from the windows. This corner is a lot darker than more of the restaurant. This in itself is disturbing. William stands when I get closer and gives me his pretty boy smile.
“Gwen, thank you for meeting me for lunch.” When I sit on my side of the booth he sits next to me so I have to scoot in further. I don’t like this either, I’m trapped.
“I took the liberty of ordering us drinks. Do you like wine? It’s a sweet red that is amazing on the palate. It goes well with the pork roast that I already ordered.” Thats awfully presumptuous.
“Hold old are you?” He smiles and it looks like a leer.
“28, how about you?” I push the wine back on the table.
“Thank you but I can’t, I am only 16.” He pushes the wine back closer to me.
“I’ve always liked the younger ones. Please endulge me, one glass won’t hurt.” I lift the glass and smell it. It doesn’t smell sweet, it smells bitter. I take a sip and he pushes the glasses higher making me gulp down full swallows. When I put the glass down I glare at him and he laughs.
“Ohhh you do have a spicy side hmm? Tell me more about you Gwen.” I open my mouth to tell him my plans for college when I suddenly forget what I was going to say. My head feels a little fuzzy, my vision blurs a touch. I need to go to the bathroom and get away for a minute.
“I need to use the restroom… excuse me.” My voice sounds slurred, what is going on. WIlliam doesn’t budge when I try to pass him.
“It’s just the wine, it may be to strong, you’ve never had it before. Give it a minute and it will pass.” The longer I sit there the worse the feeling gets.
“Please let me up.” I give him a push and still he doesn’t budge. He holds my arms by my wrists.
“It’s ok, it won’t be to much longer Gwen, just relax. You’ll wake up later and won’t remember a thing.” I want to be in full panic mode but I can’t, my vision is so fuzzy. Sounds are distorted. I need to do something fast before I pass out. He drugged me! I take a deep breath and throw up a hail mary that Jameson is close by like he promised.
“JAMESO…” Before I can get his full name out I suddenly can’t breath. I force myself to try and focus. WIlliam has his hand wrapped around my throat and has a scowl on his face. I am about to pass out,
“Let her go asshole.” WIlliam is ripped from the both and I start coughing as I stand up. Jameson punches William in the face. I stumble into a table and fall to my knees. Someone touches my arm, I flinch and look up quickly. It’s Jameson, his mouth is moving but I can’t make out the words. My vision blurs further, I think I’m crying. Jameson turns away for a split second then pulls me into his arms. I relax into him, I’m safe. I close my eyes and let everything fade away, I know Jameson will take care of me.

Blinking my eyes over and over again, I finally squint them shut. It’s so bright in here.
“Gwen?” Jameson! The lights dim and I open my eyes. He is sitting next to my bed holding my hand.
“What happened?” Jameson looks like he hasn’t slept in a while and is still wearing the clothes I remember him in last. He hits the call light button on the wall.
“Gwen, are you awake, for real this time?” I look at him questioningly,
“Of course I am awake. My head hurts so bad. Are we in a hospital?” Jameson keeps looking at me like I have two heads.
“Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” He sighs heavily,
“Thank God, the doctor said it would wear off in a day or so. We are at the hospital. WIlliam put the date rape drug in your wine. You’ve been waking up on and off and rambling nonsense. Luckily you only talked dirty when we were alone, they would have just blamed it on the drug though. You have very naughty inner thoughts Gwen.” I blush and close my eyes. I don’t get a chance to respond when the door opens. I open my eyes and see a woman in a white coat and scrubs enters the room.
“You’re awake again.” She looks at Jameson,
“Is she starting to make sense now?” He nods at the doctor,
“Complete sense, I think it finally wore off.” I clear my throat and they both look at me.
“How long have I been here?” The doctor doesn’t skip a beat,
“You have been here a day and a half. You’re parents came when you were first brought in. I will go call them after a quick check up.” The doctor looks me over and leaves as I start to cry. Jameson jumps out of the chair and sits on the bed next to me.
“Gwen, whats wrong?” I sniffle trying to control my tears and fail miserably, I start sobbing into my hands. Jameson lifts me up and wraps his arms around me.
“I have you, shhh it’s ok Gwen.” FInally the tears start to subside and I take a deep breath. Blowing my nose I keep my head down. Jameson lifts my face to his,
“Gwen, talk to me, I’m here.” More tears fill my eyes,
“Yes, you are. We just met and you haven’t left my side. My parents only cared enough to stay for what, an hour?” Jameson cringes,
“Or less.” Tears drop down my cheeks and I brush them away.
“They don’t care about me… What happened to William?” He runs a hand through his hair and looks distraught.
“Besides an ass whooping from me… nothing. He told the cops he didn’t put anything in your drink, said they brought out the wine glasses already filled. He blamed the waiter, who is now fired. We can change it all though, did he say anything to you?” I try and think back but it’s all blurry,
“I can’t remember Jameson, it’s all unclear, fuzzy.” He holds me against his chest and rubs my back.
“It’s ok, don’t fight it. The more you try the harder it will be to remember.” The door to my room opens again and the sound of my mother’s voice fills the room.
“Well it’s about time she woke up, I just don’t see what all the fuss is about.” Jameson lets me go and moves back to the chair next to my bed. My mother finally looks at me,
“Gwen, you look absolutely terrible dear. I mean honestly, you need to shower and put yourself back together.” I wrap my arms about my stomach when my father interrupts my mother.
“Gwen, how are you feeling?” I shrug,
“I can’t remember much about the last day and a half. I just woke up a little while ago. I thought you would both be here when I woke up.” My mom cocks her hip,
“You were sleeping dear, we had other things to attend too. You had doctors watching over you, and now look at you? Right as rain.” I sit up higher in the bed,
“I was drugged and unconscious for almost 2 days and you can honestly tell me you had BETTER things to do then care for me?” My voice rises to almost screaming,
“Gwen, you barely had any in your system. If you wanted some attention, there are better ways than being overly dramatic. Honestly darling that is beneath you.” I stare at my mother like she is a complete stranger.
“WIlliam Helmsly drugged me, your daughter and this is what you have to say to me.” I close my eyes and shake my head.
“No Gwendolyn he did not, it was the waiter who drugged your drink. William would never do such a thing. He is beside himself with worry and would like another chance to take you out. He is filthy rich Gwen, I will tell me you will be free tonight. Get up and get your things together, we are heading back to the hotel.” I put a hand to my chest, all she ever cared about is money, and the reality of it is much harsher a pill to swallow then I ever thought it would be.
“Sign my release papers and leave me be please. I will go back to the hotel with Jameson.” My parents look over at him and my mom curls her nose.
“Jameson, why do you look so disheveled?” I slam my fists onto the bed and scream at her.
“Because unlike you, he has been by my side the whole TIME!” My mother points her finger at me and opens her mouth but my father speaks first.
“Wait for me outside darling, give me a moment with Gwen.” My mom stalks out of the room and slams the door. My father comes and sits next to me on the bed and takes my hand.
“Gwen, you’re mother is a special individual. She is self centered and needs to be the spotlight in every room and situation. She does love you in her own way. I have called the hospital every hour since you have been here. I love you Gwendolyn I always have and I always will. You take after me and not your mother, for that I am greatful. I will handle your mother and sign your paperwork. Don’t worry about William, I have threatened him and a restraining order is already in place. He checked out of the hotel shortly after he spoke with your mother.” I grab my dad and wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. He make act like a fool around my mother but he is a very smart man. He wouldn’t have made so much money if he wasn’t. My father kisses my forehead.
“Anything you need darling, all you have to do is ask me. I will give you everything.” With that he stands and leaves the room. Jameson is quiet next to me as I let my father’s words wash over me. Finally Jameson speaks,
“Come on Gwen, let’s get you back to the hotel. I made plans for when you got out of here.” Jameson helps me get dressed in fresh clothes that he had his cousins get from my room. The ride to the hotel was a quiet one, Even though I slept for almost 2 days I am mentally exhausted. I need a shower. Jameson held my hand the whole ride back to the hotel. In the elevator I slouch against the wall and look him up and down. He quirks a brow at me and I smile.
“You look good all crumpled and exhausted cousin.” He smiles and shakes his head,
“You shouldn’t say things like that to me, I’m your cousin. It wouldn’t be right.” He boxes me in by putting a hand on either side of my head.
“What would people say?” I giggle, yep exhaustion is sinking in and I am slap happy.
“I don’t care what people say Jameson, there just jealous that you’re mine.” The elevator dings and the doors open. The walk to my room is short Jameson grabs my hand and pulls me toward his room.
“Come on Gwen, my plans are already in motion.” Hmm, I let him guide me to his door. He unlocks it and lets me enter first. The floor is littered with rose petals that form a trail through the room. I smile up at him and he nods for me to enter. I walk slowly looking around, the trail of flowers leads around the corner. I follow it and see the flowers lead outside to the back patio. Opening the sliding door I see the flowers lead to the hot tub. An extra screen has been placed around and over the top of the tub.
“I wanted you to feel comfortable, I want you to be able to be yourself even though we are surrounded by so many people. Just you and I.”