

Life is once
It was a New year's Eve and Johnson wanted to celebrate the new year with his mom and dad. Johnson is a 26 year old, who is doing his internship at the Aminu Kano Teaching hospital Kano state Nigeria. Having spent the Christmas holiday with his friends at Kano State he decided to travel to Zaria where his parents live to celebrate the new year with them.
"this is 9:30pm in the night, don't you think it's late to travel at this time"his friend whom he shares an apartment with told him.
"no I truly want to surprise my parents and Zaria is about a two and half hour journey from Kano, I want to be there by twelve midnight to wish them a happy New year" Johnson replied to his friend.
"alright, if you say so, but drive carefully and happy new year in advance since you won't be here for me to wish you"
"same to you dear friend", they hugged each other and Johnson's friend bade him goodbye as the ignition engine of his motorcycle went on.
Johnson was so happy about going home, as he rode the motorcycle at night he thought of most of his friends at Zaria whom he must have offended, this is a new year he thought and he will use this opportunity to celebrate with his family and make reconciliation with friends most especially those he did hurt while he was still a student of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria State.
Johnson had so much in mind that he didn't notice the huge and deep pothole on the road. He ran into it and met with a ghastly accident that cost his life, he has actually approached Zaria and it was just ten more minutes into the new year season when he lost his dear life.
In the next two weeks, Johnson's family and friends were present at his funeral, they had all celebrated the new year in sadness and tears. Before he was buried, the priest prayed for his soul to rest in peace and made a little speech to those present at the funeral of Johnson. He said
"life is just once, but it is left for us to use it wisely. live each day as your last because we don't know our end, forgive those you know you need to forgive right now and reconcile with those you offended. Make amendments for your ways for the death of Johnson and those who have died is not a mere facade but a reminder that this life is too short and too precious to be wasted out of anger, envy, hadred,malice and all sorts of evil on Earth. So my dear brethren lets leave each and every day as our last"
Johnson was buried and everyone left with a heavy burden in their hearts of losing a son, a brother and a friend.

© Eze chidinma Prudence