

This is a part of our story...
This is a story of two families that are not talking anymore.
not seeing anymore.
We were younger it was not different from now. Has children we played like grown-up. Vacations with responsibilities.
Toys...I had many toys...always to play alone.
This land ...hardly understood the difficulty of being a loonly daughter.
Tilll...till ten years old...my sister born.
I remember the smile of my dad when he arrived with a present everyday from work.
I carried this smile because of the proud smile that every parent has seeing their children growing up.
He's so old and my mom's....well my mom's spotless but she's sad...I know she is.
My sister grew up...still working.
Me...Like I told you physically down...I can't barely feel my legs to stand up.
This has been a nightmare for all of we here.
I keep that smile of my father like saying...train arrives to the station and I am at home again with family.
People lost the sense of respect for simple things.
We live,...well ... we survive.
Channels have humour you can see them.
Just don't say you are not laughing of other's problems.
We have our classical problems...but they are colossal.
© Filipa