

Once upon a year 2020
I celebrated New Year of 2020 at my landlady's house where my small business located- the food cart. In seven years I was alone, this was the first time I celebrated new year at someone else's house. If you know Mr. Bean, he and I almost the same. If you watched his series in television you know what I mean. We have one thing in common, living solitary. Just like Mr. Bean, I'm not sad being alone. I am already used to live life this way.

When the new year eve was over, I returned to my home. The next morning I woke up with full of hope and belief that life would be better this year. I thought maybe we all felt the same way on the first day of the year 2020.

The month of January until March is the busiest months in my field of work. These are those days I interact and spent too much time talking with different people in companies from private agencies and public agencies who are involved and connected in my work. This is the month that people pay taxes, renew their business permits and all other government required documents for businesses. Processing my clients' tax bill is my first task during this month or until due date.

When it comes to tax billing, it's a pretty long process. The necessary requirements are essential to facilitate a client's tax bill especially the client's financial statement, followed by their ITR or Income Tax Return. Often the clients lack of necessary documents especially if they do not have a financial statement which is why their papers are not process immediately.

Just like I have said previously, in this job the possibilities of meeting people is infinite. So while doing my duties and responsibilities, I have met an interesting person. He is a tax bill assessor. There are at least ten assessors to choose from in the office of assessment for tax billing. I chose to sit on this particular person's office because I've heard he is more considerate than the other assessors. In fact most of the people whose doing the same job I do also choose to sit on his office for tax billing assessment. He is very comfortable to transact business with. No wonder why these people including me chose him. And because I'm doing this job six days a week, he is the only assessor I go to assess the billing for my clients. And because of that we get to know each other a little too well. And after consecutive weeks of sitting on his office he has become my mentor and has influenced me in some things that changed my perspective in life. He is the one who triggered my consciousness that has opened.

His name is Ray. He is in his mid 50's. A single father of a 23 years old young lady. When I first saw Ray he was sitting at his desk. I was a bit surprised when he stood up. He is tall. He's long hair and his hair has gradually turning white. His body a bit slender and fair skin. He likes to laugh and jokes. And because of that he could easily get along with anybody. Apart from my work there is something that we have in common. We both are bookworm.

One day while he was assessing the tax bill of my clients, he told me about a book he was reading written by Pat Robertson.

© 2020 @Bee1111 #fiction #year2020 #work #productive #progressive #perspective #consciousness #awaken #friendship