

An engineer.......🙂🙂🙂🙂(300 words)s
Every kid aspires to be someone when they grow up. He chooses a specific goal for himself and works diligently to achieve it. Without ambition, life is purposeless. Ambition makes a person active and hard-working.

My aim in life is to become an engineer. After I finish my schooling, I want to work as a civil engineer. Since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to study engineering then become an engineer.

I enjoy visiting engineering areas, such as construction sites. I like to visit huge bridges, dams, buildings, factories, and roads to get familiar with engineering techniques. I pay attention to the various methods in which the workers go about their jobs.

YeTo become an engineer, you must put in years of dedication. Engineering is one of the few professions where you can earn a respectable living after only three years. It’s one of the best investments you’ll ever make. Aside from that, money isn’t anything. It is also an interesting work.

You’ll never run out of new ways to fix challenges while you work in engineering. If you truly want to be an engineer, then all the challenges you will face will make things more interesting. Overcoming challenges will help you sharpen your intellect, as well as help you cope with issues in engineering and in life.

Engineering is all about creating things that people can use and also improving people’s lives. As an engineer, you will see that you’re making a difference in the world.

To find a single workable approach, engineering requires several diverse viewpoints. You have the ability to show the world what you’re capable of. Show others that you are different but just as capable as anyone else by not always following the crowd.
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