

Dear Mom,
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I confused. Looking at my surrounding, I saw a woman lying in font of me in a pool of blood.
I was too shocked that I went speechless. Looking at her face, I know. I am familiar with that face. I wanted to scream. But there felt like someone was choking me, making my voice not to come out.
Drip. Drip. Drip. River of tears flooding down my cheeks. As I felt like I was stab right through my heart, my legs went jelly. Finally, my voice came out. ' Mom!!!' I screamed. I hold her. Hug her. The blood didn't show sign of stopping.
' Mom! Don't die!' I don't believe my eyes. Did I just murder my own mom? No! There must be something wrong with this! 'Mom! Please tell me this is all a dream!' I screamed. 'Mom!!!'
As if I were dreaming, I felt a warm hand reaching out to me. 'Mom!' As I scream, the figure in font of me was hugged tightly. I'm back to reality. Tears flooding out of my eyes. I'm glad. 'Mom. I love you. I'm sorry.' Though she's clueless, she still hugged me. 'Yeah. I love you too. You have nightmare, right?' I'm glad that it's all a dream. 'Hurry up already. after washing up, let's have breakfast together.' I'm glad, cause I know that if it wasn't a dream, I'll be suffering right now. Not after losing my south of warm of a dear father. I only have my mom so is she. If we lose each other, that's mean, it's the end of us. Love you Mom.