

Newton SpellCaster and the Search For Harry Potter
The very next day, Newton got up at top speed, he dressed up in his sweater. He woke up MaryTina and Fairman with a simple push. "A few more minutes, son! " said Fairman. "Fine!!" Newton yelled. As his bottom hit his sofa, he took a book from his coffee table, the title was "The Book Of Spells, Best For Duelling" he opened it up and he read " Basic spells for attack and defense" he turned over to the next page. "The Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, it either disarms the victim or sends them flying. The Stunning Charm, Stupefy, it sends the victim flying in a series of flips, eventually knocking them out or stiffens their limbs, The Counter Charm or Curse, Finite, it counters a handful of spells, The Healing Charm, Episkey, Heals all spells that cause harm except the killing curse, The Shield Charm, Protego, blocks any spell( there are many versions of this spell) but if hit by the killing curse, you must re-conjure it, The full body bind curse, Petrificus Totalus stiffens their limbs in their tracks only the victim's eyes can move " just as Newton finished his 5-6 page, his father waddled in the room, sleepily.

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