

A Risky Help [part 2]
Ben knew Kenny had reported to the king, he had no choice than to follow the king messenger and Kenny to the palace,

They got to the palace, the king saw the child and was also pitied the poor child, and even think to take care of the child, but Kenny and other people in the palace keep telling the king that the child was sent to terminate the town,

"He is a Demon" said Kenny and others in the palace,

The king asked the child some questions but the child didn't reply instead he was showing a face of confusion, that make the king felt suspicious and told his soldiers to get him killed, but for the son to show some fear, he acted like he didn't understand,

Ben was shocked when he heard from the king to kill the little poor boy.

" why, your Highness, the boy did nothing to you" shouted Ben.

"How dare you question the king" one of the chiefs yelled at to make the king felt disrespected,

The king spoke in action "the child mist be killed"

Ben begged the king on behave of the child but the chiefs refused,

"If you want him alive, go out of the town with the demon and without taking a pin out of your properties" said the king,

Ben felt shocked "how is that possible to go out of this town, where I have a large of farm, houses, animals and lot of properties, and you expect me to leave without taking non, that's impossible" Ben thought.

The soldiers took the poor boy at hand to where he is going to be killed

To be continued in the next part.............

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