

Vivekananda Thunders.
This glorious soul we must believe in, out of that
will come power. Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be, if
you think yourself strong, strong you will be,if you think yourself pure, pure you will be,if you think yourself impure, impure you will be. This teaches us not to think ourselves as weak, but as strong and omnipotent. No matter that I have not expressed it yet, it is in me. All knowledge is in me, all power, all
purity and all freedom. Why can't I express this
knowledge? Because I do not believe in it.Let me believe in it, and it must and will come out. This is
what the idea of the impersonal teaches. Make your children strong from their very childhood, teach them not weakness, not forms, but make them strong. Let them stand on their feet, bold, all concurring, all suffering, and first of all, let them learn of the glory of the soul. It has the idea of love
and worship and other things which we have in other
religions, and more besides, but this idea of the soul is the life giving thought, the most wonderful. "There and there alone is the great thought that is going to revolutionize the world and reconcile the knowledge of the material world with religion".