

Pretty Misunderstandings... Part 5🥂
.....ront of him.

She knew she was going to meet him in two hours for their tuition classes.

It didn’t take too long when she too came across his feelings for her but unfortunately it happened through someone else, very shockingly, that person was Prakriti.

That day somehow she controlled herself in their tuition.They as usual sat next to each other but then something was off. Everybody including Rishab observed her uneasiness.

The next day in school, while they practised the drama in the auditorium, Rishab was in the stage discussing something with teacher and Prakriti. Aashi could no longer withstand the awkward Jealousy when she saw Rishab with Prakriti, now that she is well aware of her feeling for him. She interrupted them and informed their teacher that her work is almost done and that she wants to return to her class. She was given the permission to return to her class, though Rishab tried to say something or tried to stop her, she left the auditorium ignoring him. As she was on her way towards their classroom, she heard some loud voices. On turning around she saw Prakriti coming towards her furiously and Rishab behind her requesting continuously to stop.

When they reached Aashi, Rishab came to stand by Aashi’s side. Aashi asked Rishab what was the matter but he remained silent.

“Why are you asking him? He doesn't have the guts to answer you... I’ll tell you."

Rishab grabbed Aashi's hands to calm her down knowing she wasn't a girl who can handle somebody yelling at her. He wasn't aware of Prakriti's intentions but she wasn't even a concern for him. All his attention was on Aashi and his effort to stop her from doing something she might regret later.

While Prakriti continued...
"What do you think of yourself? Will he always be like this and do what you want him to do?”

Aashi, not understanding what Prakriti was talking about, turned to face Rishab, who was only looking at her.

“What is her problem Rishab? What is she talking about? What have you done now?” Aashi didn't even look at Prakriti. She wanted her answers from him but he still remained numb.

“He won’t tell you himself but he did it for you I know. He left such a great opportunity for you.” Ignoring Prakriti, as if she is invisible, Aashi continued to stare at Rishab.

“Will you shut your mouth?” Aashi, failing to keep calm, yelled at Prakriti and turned again to look at Rishab for answers.

Rishab looking into her eyes knew he can't escape anymore and replied with a low voice, “I told teacher that I won’t do the lead role.”

Her expression changed from anger to guilt when she remembered that the previous day she asked him to drop the drama.

“Why? You shouldn’t have Rishab. You know how silliy I am. Ignore what I said yesterday, I wasn't myself. Now I’m fine, just go and do it.” She tried to leave the spot but this time Rishab didn’t let her.

“I am not doing it.” He looked at her intensely.

“Why, Rishab? Why are you letting your chance slip away?” she looked back into his eyes. Both of them were left astonished of what they heard next.

..... to be continued.....

P.S. Will they be able to confess? or Prakriti will steal the show?
To know what happens next ..

© Chestnut_writes❤️