

Can't Move On
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh.

She turned her back to the fire. Letting out tears. She shook where she stood. Doubting her decision to let go of the past. The fire crackled and hissed no doubt already beginning to char the old antique oak picture frame. She ran back to the fire tripping in front of it. On her knees she crawled closer to it and snatched the frame from the fire. She threw it to the ground and extinguished the burning side. The glass darkened and warped. The oak now missing a corner.

Her hand burned from the pain. She paid it no attention as she retrieved the picture from the frame. How could she be so cold and thoughtless. She was about to throw her only momento of her dearly departed five year old daughter. Taken from this life because of her mistake.

Her lover blamed her for their daughters death. Grieving her lover filled the house with such anguish. No energy to move on her lover only saw one way to end their grief. Her loved launched themselves from the twenty story building. leaving only a note with two words on it.

"Your fault." The words bounced around her mind in an infinite loop. Why did she not have the same courage as her lover and just end her pitiful existence? "I need to suffer more."

She looked at her hand which had began to blister. She didn't care anymore she welcomed the physical pain over her emotional ones. She layed on the ground grasping the photo ever closer to her heart.

Her life now engulfed in self hatred she welcomes any pain. She walks the streets begging for death. Others gaze only on what seems to be a another drunk. Still holding on to past and not being able to move forward.
© Carlos Lozano lazydracoXIII