

there are demons in my head
January 12th, 1976 1:00 am

I wake up from a nightmare and I sit there in my bed still can't move like I was parilized soon enough I get all feelings back and walk over to my window there was a woman standing there outside my house no face, eyes, or texter at all it was darkness she saw me and disappeared I stood there and stared for minute trying come back to reality from what I saw

January 12th, 1976 8:00 am

I crawl out of bed still wondering what I saw lastnight mom welcomes me with breakfast and kiss on my forehead before going to school she noticed something wrong with me and she asked if I was alright I doged the question and walked to school with my headphones blaring music

January 12th, 1976 9:30 am

I arrived to school and my buddy Timmy walks up to me and ask how my weekend was and asked why I didnt come to baseball practice the other day I told him I was busy and then told him what happened lastnight the lady I saw and he told me it was in my imagination

January 12th, 1976 3:00 pm

I come home from a long slow day at school I go to my room and keep my headphones with music on and I think to myself about what was seen if it was real I whispered to myself "I've got to know I've got to feel it I've got to get closer"

January 13th, 1976 12:30 am

I wake up again but this time I sense something watching me sleep I lay there parilized as if it was close to me soon I get up and walk over to the window and again there she was in under the light post again same texter no face, lips, eyes, black darkness but this time something was off about it I saw wings in the dark moonless sky of the night I fall down in shock and stay on the ground making sure it didn't see me I get back up to make sure it was still there but as soon as I got up it was closer to me staring at me with no texter on its face but a scare that came across it five seconds later I hear a high pitched screch that made my ears bleed and then it disappears I go to the bathroom to clean my ears and crawl back in bed thinking to myself what does this thing want from me untill I fall back to sleep

January 13th, 1976 8:45 am

I wake up alarm clock screaming in my ear I look up at the time I'm late for school I get dressed and walk down stairs I skip breakfast and walk to school

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