

🕹️Anthony's Arcade 🧱

I got the call while I was driving home from work around 7:30pm. My heart stopped and I pulled over to catch my breath. My daughter was walking home from soccer practice and a drunk driver swerved off the road and pinned her right out front of Anthony's arcade into a brick wall. All the kids from the arcade came out and called 911 as they were watching blood gush out of her mouth. Everyone was screaming for help! Help! The drunk driver lay dead in his car against the bloody airbag. I was 2 minutes away so I sped as fast as I could and beat the ambulance. She was in a unique situation. The way she was pinned. The car was barely keeping her alive. The second the car moved she would bleed out and die from the movement. I got there and ran out of my truck and got to the brick wall. I held her hand. Her head was hunched over and I could hear her panting. Daddy's here baby Daddy's here.. This is where I felt like I was talking to my daughter but at the same time a ghost at the same time. Her head rose and she smiled but I saw no teeth, just a coating of blood. That glazed her teeth. There was blood coming out, that looked like red tears. I'm not going anywhere. She started to talk but couldn't get the words out. Don't talk, just listen to me ok? I just want to let you know I am so proud of you and everything you've done. Becoming the soccer captain at such a young age of 14. You've never missed a day of school. I wanted to stay calm so she did. I think she was in so much shock she just kept smiling at me and stared in my soul. I know I only had a couple minutes left but I gave her a whole lifetime of glorious memories. Her hand grip was tight at the beginning but it's slowly getting looser. She knew this was the last. The ambulance pulled up and 2 medics got out and rushed over! They ripped out the bonding hand hold. Said excuse me sir. I was shoved to the side and I saw them try to start to help. I sat on the curb and my quivering hand pulled out a cigarette. I put it in my mouth and went for the other pocket for the lighter. My hand was quivering so bad I dropped the lighter a few times before getting it to my mouth. I took a slow drag and closed my eyes as tears were falling from them. The tobacco smoke rolled in my lungs and calmed each one of my nerves. I blew it out and watched it disappear in the starry night sky. My ears caught one of the medics say 'she's gone sir' the other medic said. Ok well let's move this car and move the body. My heart fell in my stomach. She is now on the other side and all that's left on this earth is her broken vessel. The next day I came back to Anthony's Arcade and there was pictures and a bunch of flowers and candles and Pokemon stuffed animals all around her favorite. I was in awe that the whole community pulled together overnight. It's been 10 years and as I drive by the old arcade that's now a pizza parlor. I see her ghost walking with a soccer ball and her iPod blaring Taylor Swift. I chucked to myself and waved to the empty street and said under my breath 'I Love you angel.”

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