

Family hood S1 ep3
"Good morning guys, how are you today that the bus is waiting for you guys down stairs" Mrs. John said
Then looks at her husband who wants to run away
"Big man, you are coming with me"she added

So they went to the office and Mrs. John left him there.
"Hello, you must be Mr. John right?" Mr. Brown asked.
"Yes big bro" Mr. John said
"Excuse me" Mr brown asked confused.
Then his wife came in there, drag him out with a fake smile.

"John, you're killing me, don't you think a little respect would.... She said in anger
"Can someone tell me why I am always killing them? " Mr John asked him self.
"Are you done, talking" Mr. Brown said.

"Ok, you can start the work today, but I won't be surprised if you fired just today''said Mr. Brown
After a while Mr brown was going ahead to look at what people did, Then got to Mr John
seat and was shocked

"Are you crazy, start working fool"he said in anger.
"Sorry bro, how?"he asked
" Did I hear you well? "
"Only if you have problems with your ears" Mr John concluded.
At the moment Mr. Brown got very mad and said, you fool, 😡get out, you're fired.

After a while
"Good morning, where is my husband?" Mrs John asked
"He was sacked by me, anything else" he said
"You you what? "she asked
So, she ran home as fast as possible
"Don't worry about what happened now, okay he doesn't deserve you" she said
" Maybe the house do? " They all said
And let a big hug to themselves.

Next episode of family hood
S1 ep3-Mistakes
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