

This story is about a boy who was just a regular guy but his choices made him special, rather extra special.
Brian was his name. He was the only son of his parents and also loved dearly by both of them. Their family was not a rich one but a middle income family. Even with normal finances, they were living happily. They had learnt that happiness lies in staying together and being thankful to all you have. Brian's dad always told him that God has not made everyone same. We will always be better than someone and less better than the other. So the best way to live life is to learn from people better than us and teach people less better than us. So that we rise above our normal level and make others rise with us too. But no one's life is perfect. And even after having everything sufficient, Brian always felt alone. He never had any siblings to play with and the place where he lived did not have any much people either. Brian used to go to school via school bus that always came to carry him. He managed to make some friends in bus but they only talked to him about how they enjoy playing together with their friends at home and school. Brian was also somewhat shy and introvert kind. He always found it difficult to open himself to people. So this too aggravated the situation. But ultimately Brian had learnt to live with this lonely fate and in the large spare time, he learnt multiple skills.
In school there was a girl he used to like. She too never talked to him. He always felt that she liked him. But this always remained his doubt because he never tried anything to impress her. He just saw her like that and waited for opportunities to talk to her.
Things never went in his favor because he always screwed it till the end. And it always felt that there is no way he is ever going to get her. There were many better boys who were also interested in that girl. They were good at talking and they always got that girl. Now the situation was so worse that she had many boys as her friends and Brian started to feel that she will never even talk to him. She went with those boys on dates. She was spending evenings in beach parties and he was spending evening sitting alone in his backyard with only his mother to talk to.
He was very depressed about this and his parents were equally worried for him. But he won't say anything.
Beside all these problems, Brian was helping kind. He always helped them whom he could help.
While other people bullied the weaker ones, he used to help the people who got bullied.
He used to fill his own wounds of happiness by helping those in need. It was his regular way of living that he went to streets and gave food to those who needed it. He literally fed them with his own hands. They were his best friends.
Life was moving day by day when one day something happened that broke him completely.
One day, he finally decided that he will talk to her and tell her that he liked her. He finally wanted to get over his loneliness and start talking to her. It was the dispersal time of school. Teachers were gone and he walked towards her. She looked at him and kept looking into his eyes. He became nervous but also happy because she too looking at him made him feel that she was also ready to talk.
But soon an other guy came and pushed him away. "You don't deserve her" he said.
Girl - "Stop Ronnie, he didn't say anything ".
Ronnie - But I know he was going to. Stay away from her !
Brian - Who are you to say that ? Her Brother ?
The girl laughed.
Ronnie - You douchebag how dare you say that to me ? I will show you who I am .
Ronnie called all his friends and beat Brian altogether badly .
Girl kept watching Brian.
Everyone left and Brian was all alone left there by himself.
He could not even cry because his eyes were all empty, crying in his lonely world.
He was devastated.
He used to run to his mother Everytime he was hurt but this time he could not say anything to her either because he didn't know what to say ?
He got beaten up because he was trying to talk to a girl?
It doesn't even sound legitimate.
He ran straight to home. Usually kids run to some unknown place when they are sad or beaten up but our hero always runs to his house. For him, home is like a healing place.
No matter how big the problem is, home always healed his mental trauma, just like magic.
He went to backyard of his home where he sat on the bench. There was a huge banyan tree in his backyard.
It's branches were hanging down uptill ground level.
He just sat under the tree and started crying again.
He kept crying and fell asleep. Suddenly he heard hissing of an animal. He turned his head right and left but found nothing. He looked upwards and found a snake that was hanging from one of the branches of the tree and looking down straight towards him. Before Brian could get up, the snake had already come down preventing him from making any movement. Snake kept progressing towards Brian. Brian understood that his final time has come and he closed his eyes remembering his parents for the last time. The snake hissed again.
"Don't be scared from me Brian , I am your great grandpa."
Brian - What ?? How can you speak ?
You are a snake ?
Snake - Yes I am a snake but I was your Great Grandpa in my previous life.
Brian - I can't believe it !!! You are a liar.
Snake - If I am lying how are you able to listen me ?
Brian - Yeah !! You are right. But what are you doing in body of this snake ?
Snake - When I died, I met Gods. They told me that people have many lives and are born in different forms turn by turn. This is my turn of becoming snake .
Luckily, I remember my previous life and my previous mother tongue, that is why I am talking to you. I remember everything and started living on this tree behind our house and watch my family generation growing day by day. I am watching you from the day you were born and and you are my dearest child. I have seen you how lonely you feel. And I feel too much sad to see my child cry in despair. I asked the Gods the reason for giving such a pain to my child and told me that You are different than others and are destined for great purpose. They gave me a diamond and asked me to handle it to you.
Brian - The diamond is going to make me rich ??
Snake - No dear, you are not supposed to sell that diamond or giving it to anyone else. You have to keep it a secret.
Brian - Then what is that diamond for ? For wearing ? But I am a boy , I don't like diamonds that much.
Snake - No my boy ! This diamond has extraordinary powers. It will make you powerful and give you control over all the basic elements that made this universe. And by controlling those elements , you can control almost everything in this world. You can manipulate everything that you want in whatever way you want.
Brian - I don't understand a word grandpa ?
Snake - You will understand it soon. Just take the diamond and hold it in your hand.
Brian took the diamond ,shining like a star on head of the snake .
He held it in his hand and all of a sudden a lightening ran across his arms , all the sadness that was filled in his mind went away.
He felt activated and his brain was running so fast that he could see everything around him in very fast mode. He could listen every mildest of sound. It felt as if he has known all the secrets of world. He jumped with joy when all of a sudden he found himself high in the sky. He saw downwards and found that by just mere jumping he went straight into the sky.
He could see almost everything from the sky.
He suddenly saw someone coming out of a house from the window carrying a bag.
Brian tried to see the bag and suddenly he could also see what was lying in the bag of that person. It was money and jewels.
Brian tried to understand the face gestures of that man and surprisingly he could listen to what that man was thinking.
He was a thief.
Brian flew straight towards him and snatched that bag from the thief.
Thief got scared to see a boy flying and fell from the roof. People saw him and caught him . Brian put that bag back in the room of that house. No one saw Brian.
Brian flew back to his backyard to meet his grandpa. He thanked him for giving him such a great gift.
Grandpa - Remember son, these powers are not just a gift. They are given to you because of your goodness and your loneliness is the factor that makes you understand the weakness of people way better than others. You have to help those in need. This is a responsibility.
Brian bent and thanked him again by joining his hands.
Soon he heard his mother calling him for dinner. It was almost night.
Grandpa went back into the tree and Brian ran towards house. He now was happy as he knew the real meaning of happiness and finally decided to help everyone with his powers. He was confident and clear.