

Manish decided to go to his maternal grand father's village this time in the holidays after his college exam. To go to the village away from the crowd of the city, and the quiet atmosphere he liked. He often used to go to his native village where his uncle is staying. But this time he thought of going to his maternal grand father and he did not go there for a long time, and very little had to go there, because that village was far from its city.

When he reached the village, seeing her, her grand father grand, mother, uncle and aunt were all very happy after many days who had seen him. He relaxed a bit after the fatigue of the day.

After eating dinner, he had a habit of walking, So, he thought, let's go a little while in the village. In village people usually fall asleep early, then no person was seen on the way. Walking along the way, he saw a well where a girl was flooding water, As soon as he reached the well, he saw that girl was very beautiful. He wanted to talk to that girl but then thought how to talk to an unknown person, he walked ahead like this, and when some distance went away and went back to his house, until that girl had gone from there. He was thinking about that girl whole night.

On the second night, he went for a walk on the same path and thought this time, if I see her again, I will definitely talk to her. As soon as he reached near the well, he saw that the girl was there. He asked with a little courage to the girl, can I get water to drink, then she said yes why not and give water to him. He further said, "My name is Manish." I have come here to my grandfather's house in the college holidays, and what is your name, So the girl said that my name is Payal. Manish did not dare to talk about anything more. And thanking him for drinking water, came back from there to the house.

Throughout the day Manish was submerged in her thoughts, and eagerly waiting for the night. At night, he saw the same girl there who he seen in the last night, and there was a continuation of talk. Manish had fallen in love with Payal. And they both began to meet every night.

Then one day Manish's maternal uncle told him that today I show you our farm. The way to go to his farm was the same way on which Manish used to visit every night. On the way, when he saw that well, He did not believe in his eyes, because there were very many bushes near the well and there was a drought. Manish asked his uncle why this well is such. So hearing the story that his maternal uncle had said to him, the ground under his feet were squeezed! Uncle told that a girl whose name was Payal, she loved a boy from the village, when this thing was known to her family, first they threatened that boy because the boy was from a poor family. and the girl's family was very rich. The girl could not even go against her family, and she did not want to leave the boy too, so she jumped into this well and gave her life, since then no one has come to this well. Manish's condition was such that after listening to all this being in a state of shock. But he did not tell his uncle anything that he talked with the soul of Payal. The next day, Manish decided to go back to his city, and he never came back to this village