

Patricia needs a budget
This is Patricia

She just bought some solid gold rollerskates

Diamond encrusted sunglasses

A surf and turf hot air balloon picnic

3 sets of golf clubs

A pair of singing parachute pants

A flying elephant

Guess how much money she has left?


She can't pay her

electric bill

Her water bill

Her internet bill

Her rent

Her gas bill

Among others!

What are bills you may ask

A bill is something you pay

for something you use that is

measured by a business

on how regularly you use that

for instance how much water you use

in your home - from your tap

you pay a business for that water

Patricia is worried they will:

Cut off these things she needs

To do daily tasks

Patricia asks for an extension on her bills

Which luckily they approve

Patricia talks to her friend Dave

Who always seems good with money

He sits her down and tells her to write a list

Of things she spends her money on

And Dave is shocked to find out

Alot of it isnt needed

He agrees it is fine to do fun things

Every once in a while

But you need to restrain yourself

Sometimes so you don't get in

Tricky situations like she has

So he suggests she set expenditure goals

For saving money, for spending

And do your best to be very strict

When it comes to things you dont need

Do your rollerblades really need to be solid gold?

Do your sunglasses really need diamonds in them?

Do you really need to eat your surf and turf from a hot air balloon?

Do you really need 3 sets of golf clubs?

Do you really need a singing pair of parachute pants?

Do you really need a flying elephant?

Do you really need an elephant?

Learn moderation, you can enjoy these things

but make sure you are paying your bills first!

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