

Relationship Episode 8
On the next day Komal went to dhaneshwars house when she saw there she clicked some photos and then she came back to rajiv's house here amrat rajiv's father was talking about something to rajiv suddenly he saw Komal and by taking 2 minutes from his father rajiv went to Komal and he asked everything here dhaneshwars goons were keeping eye on rajiv and smita suddenly some noise came from smitas room everyone went there to see what happend when they saw one man in smita's room they immediately caught that person and asked him who sent him here to keep eye on them he told them that these things are done by dhaneshwar they immediately called the police and went to dhaneshwars house but he was not in the house.

After 2 days dhaneshwar called to smita to tell about rajiv but smita refused to listen and she gave that number to police, police told her not to worry about this they will catch him, after this they came home when they came home and they opened the door they saw one packet was kept there they opened the packet they saw one letter when they read that letter they understood why dhaneshwar was not ready for the marriage. When rajiv knew about this he immediately ran to dhaneshwar to ask about this when he reached there he saw someone was standing with dhaneshwar.
Next Episode coming soon..............