

Intentionally Misleading The Public
The Dark Chasm

From The Shadows They Come

From the shadows they hide, their faces don't reflect their spirit;

Yet they speak overtly and thus give their secrecy away. But why tell us they are hiding there? Oh but this is a simple riddle to solve. Although the answers are extensive and complex which brings them comfort to their simple ways.


"We Are The Dark Chasm.!"

They speak to us as we pass by, unknown they are to us until they give it away.

"We Are Here."

And are puzzled expressions go unanswered from these mire and despicable entities.

"We Have A Reason To Be Here," they go on to share, but their sharing acts are devoid of mutual respect.

"We Are The Dark Chasm!" They boom again, and if to say they have some superior right to be there. But more than that these ghoulish fiends feel; if they can feel anything that is because to feel says they have a soul.

"We Are The Dark Chasm!" And they go on with their tirade without our consent.

"We Are The Dark Chasm, We Have A Reason To Be Here Child, We Demand You Listen!!"

The children run from these maniacs and tell their teachers that ghosts spoke to them and frightened them.


Chapter Two:

The Propaganda of Fear, Terror and Intentional Misrepresentation

"We Are The Dark Chasm," their deluge continues without an inhaling breath of air to break up their monotonous tone. Their stale and unwashed mouths spit venomous putrid wastes, each carefully crafted word corales their audience into a well designed pen.

As the herd gathers inside, each one rubbing off the other for warmth and support, who will emerge as the leader?

There is none!


We all fear the monsters they propagate, parents hold their children closer than ever before when those words are ushered.

And who would blame them, to not protect your son and daughter, is to abandon humanity.

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