

Years before In the northern hills of Asia there lived a sophisticated , virtual and a pious lady her name was kubra. she was living with her family in nearby village ahead of hills. Her family included her old father , uncle, her second cousin who used to live in their home since childhood and her little sister .kubra was a mere baby when her mother passed away , her little sister namely ayesha was born during the death of her mother. And after kubra growed up her old father passed away and kubra faced a huge hardships and responsibilities as she was the elder one. She takled all the household work and her little sister as well, her uncle was the greedy and selfish who wanted their property not them, he wanted to get them out of their own house , he was unkind towards the both sisters and ofently used to beat them. kubra had nothing to do she was always handing the problem silently with patience , meanwhile her uncle used her money and had strange behavior towards her and her sister. How could she and her sister live in this unkind world? would her sister face the same conditions she usually began to think everytime. once lying on her bed in her poor room telling stories to her little one, her cousin came to her room smiling and locked the door, her whole body shivered with sweat and she began to recite some pure verses , she was a pure soul n was afraid of such unkind things...., meanwhile her cousin showing her the green 500 rupee note and coming smiling to her , she felt the moment like she was held to death for no fault of her. she shouted, screamed, her little sister was tied with ropes and a her mouth with a headscarf, the little one cried "brotha... maa didaa... brothaa... ma didda... leeeaaaveee herrrr..... brothaaa..... " and kubra screamed" fr gods sake don't come close to me what is my fault ? is my fault that I'm a girl ? or is my fault that I have no one who could listen to me?..i don't need wealth I dont need your property,I just want a peaceful life... ,oh Lord where are you please come to my rescue..... please..."shouting n crying bt know one came to her help .. and kubra was loosing her breathe and...................