

One day,Sara was at school.
Today,Sara was going to take her
maths test.
The math test had addition, subtraction,and multiplication.
Numbers were hard for Sara.
Sara had studied very hard for her math test.She studied all day
before the test with her mother.
''Hi Sara," said Sara's teacher.
"How are you?"
"I am nervous," said Sara.
"I do not want to take my math
"why do you not want to take your math test?"asked Sara's teacher."I am not good at numbers, said Sara." math is hard."you can do it!" her teacher said.so Sara's teacher gave Sara the test.sara worked hard on it.sara filled out the addition, subtraction, and multiplication .
she finished the test before the time was up.
Good job, said Sara's teacher.you will get your score tomorrow.
The next morning, Sara walked into the, she was still nervous.
Do you have my test? Sara asked her teacher. Her teacher gave her the test.sara looked at it,she only got one problem wrong,"I'm proud of you, Sara said the teacher.
Sara was proud of herself.
hard work pays.