

In Memories of a Princess 👸
Millions of Mirrors lies around the world of our soul

broken mirrors through which snowman can't pass through even after melting down

Beautiful memories rough through the floor as Their Hearts of the living dove rumbles in pain

The stream of sorrow flows beyond borders when no man can stand

Stealing through the memory lane of a beautiful princess
Beauty a starts from the Golden heart precious in love
Life is a great cheat that when is plays you it takes away memorable times ahead of you

Times when you feel loved among your love ones

Death is an angry fellow employed by life it only knows one way and not the other way it breaks us but I need to find the strength to stand and leave for those who are left for us, broken of millions of Hearts Tears Flows down the cheek of thousands of people.
Death is a Criminal, in memories of our beloved "Victory"

© Austinevictorobasi