

There's a saying, "Read books, travel the world." Travelling is a pleasure which gives you a gift of observation and reading people. Their unsaid words, unspoken thoughts, are all conveyed through emotions right in their eyes. One such hot and sunny afternoon, while I was returning back to the city that lets me earn bucks to spend, a small kid boarded the train along with his mum. He was incessantly crying his guts out. One look at the kid and you could easily read the overwhelming unhappiness in his cries. Further silent observation and listening to the conversation the kid's mum had with him, revealed that the kid was crying for not getting a particular toffee of his choice. It kinda amused me in a way noticing the kid. The kid was bawling for something as trivial as a toffee. Rather than getting irritated, those cries made me introspect on one of the most important things - Do we really feel happy on getting what our inner self craves for the most?  The kid would easily be satisfied on getting the toffee that he wanted. But we, as adults, go on in a race to fulfill our goals, aims and yet, once when we achieve them, rather than feeling happy for our achievements, we start thinking, What's next? Where did the satisfaction we had as a child go? Did we leave it behind with our childhood or it's still buried deep in the recesses of our minds is one question that we need to foremost ask ourselves. 

It is said that the mind that's truly happy, doesn't need any external influence to unleash itself to its true potential. But, to get to this level of happiness, we rely on external factors where as all along this happiness has always been within us. No one can ever make us happy or sad unless we allow others to. You alone are the reason and the medium to make yourself happy n peaceful. Our brains are hardwired to look and concentrate on the pain, but one must realise that, to enjoy the rainbow, you must bear the rains.