

Chapter 1: Grant me my death…
When I slowly came back, out from my sleep, I heard cries and sobs by everyone around as I slowly opened my eyes, looking at the person who is holding me.

Oddly enough, I was covered by a velvety soft cloak draped around the maids shoulder which obstructed my vision.

She had chestnut brown hair paired with a pair of golden rimmed spectacles placed on her small face with sparkly brownish golden eye colour.

Her eyes were slight puffy as she sobbed quietly, due to being held near her I could hear and feel her body tremble and sob.

"Rosaline! Rosaline! Why.. Why did you leave me!" A man roared out as I turned my head slightly to see him kneeling down infront of a casket, sobbing over it.

*Crash* *Bang* *Ping*

I heard what seemed like the table got knocked down as the glasswares were thrown off, glass pieces strewn all over the floor.

'Oh no…' I trailed off as I saw a tuff of silvery white hair peeking out from the casket, 'My new mother... And I assume that is my new father?' I thought to myself, trying to peek out of the cloak that blocked my view.

"We have to go.." I heard the maid murmur out before she sneakily slipped away from the crowd, leaving the mansion from the backgate she placed on her hood and swiftly walked into a somewhat decent looking carriage.

"Please.. You know where to go." She instructed someone before I heard the person grunt in approval. I felt myself being lifted up and knew that she was climbing up into the carriage.

I made a gurgle sound once her body was stable and she took off the cloak, "Shh… Don't cry princess Artemis... You can't be there right now because your father will throw a fit and might harm you... Killing you in the process." She explained with a soothing voice.

"Afterall… His mate died.. He can't control himself..." She muttered off sadly but for some odd reason, I could hear it loud and clear. "Googaa." I made more baby noises again as she forced herself to grin at me.

"You don't need to worry.. Although… Because your father's bond with your mother was very close.. It might take years for him to slowly calm down.." She explained with a slight sigh.

"I hope you'll grow up to be as strong as your mother said." She lifted me up and gave me a gentle peck on my forehead.

"Godwill... May it cast eternal protection over you." She prayed softly under her breath.

When all of the sudden I heard a blood curling scream made by the supposed driver, "Oh no." She panicked slightly before she jumped into action, opening the carriage seat and placing me in it.

She hid me safely in a secret compartment as she hoped I wouldn't cry cooing at me with a panicked look but it was concealed.

She closed the compartment seat shut before I heard even more yells and screams. "WHERE IS SHE?" Some guy roared from outside the carriage.

"Lets just burn this carriage!" The same guy commanded before I smelt a hint of smoke, "Let's go." He commanded his supposed group.

"But boss, we don't know if the baby might still be alive.." His henchman said, "Can the baby fucking crawl out of the carriage?!" He snorted before I heard their voices fade away.

I panicked slightly as I began to feel the heat.

'How do I summon- Status?' I thought in my head.

NAME: Artemis Leis Vonya Agabel
AGE: 1 year old (Physically 20)

•Dark Magic Lvl 0: 0/100
•Summoning magic Lvl 0: 30/100
•Control/Manipulation Lvl 0: 0/100

•Princess of Agabel

>>Learn Magic Info?<<

I saw a translucent blue screen pop up before me as I hastily clicked on the magic info.

Summoning magic: To summon the entity of your choice, you need imagination and will power to be able to ensure that you can control your summon.

Dark magic: Imagine a black shadow doing what you want.

Control/manipulation: Use your aura to suppress the other party and than manipulate their opinions or thoughts.

'I need a human like entity though.. One that can get me out of the carriage..'

'Light entity.. Dark entity..' I pondered before I settle with dark entity, envisioning a human like figure with complete darkness as its figure I kept repeating the thought strongly in my head.

"Heh… Who summoned me." I heard a guys voice snort out irritatedly, focusing on my vocal chords. I tried to control the words I am saying, "Swauwvw muehsmx." I frowned as I could barely make the words out.

"Oh? A baby? In the carriage?" I heard it murmur in amusement, 'Save the baby from this burning carriage.. NOW!' I stated in my thoughts forcefully.

Trying to manipulate my mana to force and control my summon, I imagined an aura in my head which represented my mana and himself as another aura.

Using my aura, I manipulated my mana to push the figure towards me to rescue me as I did this action in my thought incessantly.

I began gasping for air as the smog soon nearly filled the seat compartment when suddenly the cover flung open.

My eyes were blinded due to the sudden brightness but I felt myself being lifted away from the heat.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness and I saw a human like entity with firey red hair colour, along with a glowing pair of yellow sapphire eye colours staring down at me amusedly.

"Oho…? Why does my summoner want to save you? Hmm..." He pondered off as I soon spotted a dark burgundy horn colour protruding from his forehead, reflecting some light off from it.

Wanting to see my surroundings I tried to move my neck to turn towards the other direction when my eye caught a swift motion behind him.

I stared carefully before I could make out that he has wings, plain wide black wings... But it was flapping, I turned my head and glanced downwards to see that we were up in the sky..

"Oh? Not scared that we're so high up?" The demon asked tauntingly as I turned my head to look up at him.

Imaging a motion where he brings us down to the floor and as the same as before, repeated the thought in my head forcefully before I felt him slowly descending to the floor.

"Urgh… How can my summoner be so strong with his command." I heard the demon murmur.

'Hm… Demon seems like an appropriate way to describe him since he looks like one.' I thought to myself.

"Demon?! I'm the great ancient dragon Ramirus!" He exclaimed loudly to no one in particular.

'Why the heck is he talking to himself?' I pondered amusedly to myself, "I'm talking to you summoner! Why did you want me to save a measly baby! Urgh!" He roared out with an annoyed expression.

Afterwards, he seemed to suddenly smirk at a thought in his head and decided to throw me up in the air, I struggled slightly in mid air and looked down to see him not prepared to catch me at all.

Panicking to stay calm I imagined him catching my safely when all of the sudden I felt the image in my head being erased, "Hah! I'm not going to let you win summoner!" He roared out with a challenging grin spread on his face.

'Urgh.. Another creature it is than... Something fluffy.. A fox?' I thought before I felt wind resistance and realised I was falling back to earth already.

'PLEASE! A FOX!' I imagined a plain orange coated large sized fox that could break my fall.. 'Pftt that reminds me of Kurama from Naruto-'  I snickered slightly at my thoughts before a sudden realisation hit me.

'WAIT I'M FALLING DOWN! BIG FOX JUST SPAWN! I DON'T KNOW- JUST APPEAR! UH- I SUMMON YOU BIG FOX!' I rambled off in my thoughts hoping that one of those words would trigger a summon to appear.

I saw myself being dangerously close to hitting the floor.. 'JUST STOPPPPPPP! I WANTED TO DIE BUT NOT LIKE THIS!'

I exclaimed in my thoughts dramatically when I felt like I stopped moving, feeling confused since I stopped feeling the air resistance acting against me, I opened my eyes and saw that nothing was moving, not even my body.

I calmed down and observed my surroundings the best I could, all the colours around seemed to have become a transparent dark blue colour instead of it's natural original colour.

'Time stop-?' I questioned slightly shocked at what was happening. 'Who did this…?'


Time manipulation Lvl 1: 70/100

'I- I can unlock new skills!? WHAT!?' I exclaimed slightly shocked at what was happening.

_A gift… From the master.._ I hear the voice buzz in my head softly.

'Well… More time to imagine the fox.' I sighed.

'A large orange coated fox with green eyes? Why not haha. The bigger the better because I don't want to die from this fall…' I thought before I ingrained its description in my head and imagined a large sized body with nine tails which reminds me of Kurama.

*Summoning Magic lvl 0
<< increased to >> 
Summoning Magic lvl 1: 10/150*

I saw the words pop up infront of me and closed the tab immediately, slowly feeling myself get lifted up slightly due to the size of the large fox.

'Uh… How do I resume time- Oh!?' I thought when the time suddenly just resumed by itself.

"A… A demon kitsune? Wait- What are you doing here you bitch-" I heard the demon AKA Ramirus exclaimed before he got smacked away by what I assume was the fox paws.

Hearing a loud crash before multiple trees fell down, "Hmph! I don't talk to insolent fools." I heard her scoff under her breath.

"Hmm Where is my summoner?" I heard her question under her breath.

'Up here.' I responded in my thoughts before I saw her ears twitching and her tails waving about calmly.

"A toddler? Wait- an infant!?" The fox exclaimed, "You must be mighty strong than... Or just disguising yourself." She muttered off countless possibilities.

'Heh… I wish I have a proper human body or at least a childs body so it would be easier to do stuff in.. Not an infant one.' I scoffed out in my thought.

"Master.. How about you shape shift? Or transform your body for now?" She asked me.

'I can't do that, I don't have that power.' I thought to the fox.

"No no, you can do it since you summoned me. Only summoners who summon strong familiars like me, can borrow their powers to use..  Well you could harness their personalities sometimes too." I could hear her say it arrogantly.

'Oh? Could you teach me than?' I asked her, "Hm… Since you're my summoner.. I have no choice but to say yes especially since you're still an infant." She sighed out.

'Can't you resist me than?' I thought to her before I gasped realising I shouldn't give her an idea.

"Hm… Well I normally would but my current summoner is an infant. Besides I haven't been summoned for 8039 years, I want to see how much you'll grow anyways." She replied with boredom laced in her tone.

'Oh... Thank you than! And sure if you don't want to be my summon anymore you can just leave.. I won't stop you! Just don't harm me or anyone I care about.' I responded.

"Hm… What a weird intelligent response from an infant." I hear her chuckle out, "I like you already." She continued.

'I… Uh thank you? Oh how do I address you?' I asked her.

"Address? Oh you mean a name? Hm… Well you can give me one than." She answered.

'Uhm… How about Agabel? Since that is my last name.. Sorry.. I don't have much innovation to come up with a proper name.' I replied her apologetically.

"Agabel… I like it.." She murmured, "Alright now, I want you to sense my aura. It should be orange in colour." She instructed as I closed my eyes and sensed my surroundings.

"Mhm.." I made a small noise of acknowledgement when I sensed it, more like see it actually.

"Hm that was quick.." She muttered, "Uh next step, imagine you drawing out some of my aura and using it as your own. Than think of a human shape or body you want to reside in." She explained further as I nodded.

Feeling my infant head bobble slightly. 'I want to look like how I would when I grow older…' I thought before I felt myself growing slightly.

"Urgh.." I groaned in slight pain as I felt my body aching, I opened my eyes and lifted my hand to touch my face.

Seeing that my hands were the size of a 5 year old child, "I… T-thank you Agabel." I say with a parched voice.

"Here drink some water." I heard her say before she used one of her tail and pointed it at the pond, lifting her tail up slowly.

A water bubble was lifted up from the pond and slowly came towards me, I sat up slowly on her back and opened my mouth.

When I felt it enter my mouth I closed it and drank the water, feeling my throat become better and less dry I sigh out in satisfaction at the cooling aftertaste it left on my throat.

"Thanks Agabel. Could you place me down on the ground?" I asked her before I saw her tail grabbing me gently and placing me on my feet.

"Can you become smaller?" I asked stumbling to look up at her, "Do you want me to change into my human form than master?" She asked.

"Sure, if it is not too much of a bother." I replied politely, "Hm…" I heard her make a soft sound of acknowledgement before her size became smaller and more humanoid.

Smoke merged as she did that and as it cleared up I saw the exact same replica as my mother does, "I… Isn't that how my mother looks..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Oh… Sorry that was the only thought that was evident in your head." Agabel apologised slightly.

"I'm sorry Agabel uhm I'll imagine a description and look for you to transform into!" I declared determinedly that shocked me slightly.

"Huh? I'm never this determined though.." I trailed off, "Haha… It's because of your other summon I suppose… Wait.. Don't tell me it was that bastard from earlier?" She chuckled before asking me sweetly.

"Uh… He is my summon though…" I trailed off awkwardly, "Hahaha! Can't believe I saw the day that he got summoned with his personality and stuff. No summoner could control him though." She snorted with a carefree expression.

I nodded and thought of a person with fiery orange hair, a pair of emerald eyes that she has instead of my mothers stature, I gave her a taller stature with a leaner and fitter hour glass body shape.

I reopened my eyes to see the exact same woman in my thought appearing before me, "Wow you look like a seductress.." I murmur with an awed look.

"Oh?" She asked amusedly before she slightly licked her cherry red lips, "Now do I?" She asked, fluttering her eye lashes slightly.

I blushed a bright red at her flirtatious appearance and gesture. When suddenly a knife got flung pass her and my face which she tilted backwards slightly.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw a small red line appear on her rosey cheeks, slight blood coming out from the line.

"You stupid bastard!" She roared out angrily before I saw her eye flashed brightly, snapping her head towards the direction when all of the sudden she gasped out in shock.

"I- I'm so sorry sir... I- I didn't mean to." She suddenly spoke out meekly. I stared at her shocked before I turned to see who she was talking to.

"Who are you?" I asked, staring at a guy with short choppy green hair and piercing blue eyes, "… Heh…" I heard him snort out arrogantly.

I glanced to my left and saw Agabel stiffen up, lifting her head up. "Fucking hell... RAMIRUS!" She roared out angrily before charging at him.

"Hahaha! You caught me?" The guy burst out laughing as he dodged Agabel's attacks.

"Both of you... Stop." I commanded, imagining both of the auras getting overwhelmed by mine as my aura forces them to stop.

"Urgh." I heard Ramirus grit out under the slight pressure whereas for Agabel, she merely stopped easily at my command.

"I.. I won't yield!" He exclaimed determinedly. "Hm…" I pondered slightly and used my limitless mana to force him to yield.

"URGH-" I could hear him groan out before he collapsed onto the floor, "… Are you alright?" I asked out slightly concerned.

Carefully making my way towards his body when suddenly Agabel placed herself between me and his body. "Let me see if he really fainted." She asked going near his body.

"Yo bastard. Wake up." She called out to him, observing that he didn't move the slightest bit, she lifted her leg up and kicked him.

Well… Tried to.

Unexpectedly his hands grabbed her leg before it could even touch his body and he flung her over him.

She landed on the ground harshly as dust blew up and were spread everywhere, using this as a diversion he quickly got up and approaching me.

"You're my summoner? You're just a kid, what can you do?" He scoffed out.

I frowned irritatedly and decided to use my mana to suppress him once more, using even more mana to suppress him than I used from the beginning.

I heard him groan under the invisible pressure pushing him downwards.

"I… Yield.." He trailed off in a slightly submissively tone before I gradually released the pressure placed on him.

'Wow… I seem like a tyrant ruler all of the sudden..'

"Agabel you alright?" I called out as the dust cleared up, I could see her gritting her teeth in displeasure as she cleaned herself off of dirt and dust.

"I'm perfectly fine.. Master.." She said, "… Okay.. Do you know how to make a contract with the summon?" I asked her.

"Hm… For his type you exchange blood with him." I saw her reply with a sweet smile, "W-wait no- that is not-" Ramirus tried to protest but was shushed by Agabel who did something to him.

"Master don't mind him, he just doesn't want you to sign a contract with him." She explained with a smile, "Don't worry.. I'll guide you along in the process." She continued with a closed eyes grin.

"Okay…" I trailed off as she gestured for me to approach them, "It might sting a little master." She said and in a swift motion, poked me with a needle and stored it in a small cup.

"Now for him.." I could hear her trail off as she took out a knife, "Uhm… Is that necessary?" I questioned, feeling slightly bad for Ramirus, while questioning what he did to Agabel for her to hold a grudge like that.

"Yeah he's an 'ancient dragon' race." She rolled her eyes mocking at the emphasised words before she stopped and smiled at me, "Don't look this way master." She warned me with a kind smile still plastered on her face.

"Alright than……" I trailed off and turned away from them, hearing some 'water' sound splashing about...

'Hope he isn't dead yet haha…' I tried to joke in my head.

"Alrighty~ It is done master." She said with a wide grin, "Just take a sip from this cup and the bond will be formed." She explained.

"Okay.." I trailed off awkwardly not wanting to question the small spot of red liquid on her cheek.

I did as she said when I could feel his mana surging through my body and a connection being formed between us.

"Oh… Agabel what about you? Do you want to form a bond with me?" I asked, "We already formed a bond." Agabel responded with a slight grin.

"We… Did?" I couldn't help but question her, "Yep, when you used my powers remember? You should be able to feel the connection between your aura and mine." She said before I nodded mutely at her words.

© Naruko