

Paraya Dhan
Today Mili is sounding very low. It is pretty much different from her usual behaviour. She is a girl of high spirit. She always focuses on the bright side of life. She has faith in her work as well as in her God. Then what has made her so upset today. I was about to ask but in the mean time she got a call. It was of her mother what ever I overheard. It was enough to understand that there is some issue in family. But as far as I know Mili, she is very composed and patient about things she is around 29 years old and still single. But I never saw her worried about herself. She often says God has sent the best one for me and that's why it is taking time to reach to me. The way she consoles herself is one of its kind. Then what would be other matter I was just wondering. Again I have a glance on Mili and she was rushing out fast from office. Being Mili's best friend from past one decade made me so restless. I just ran after her. I stopped Mili and asked What has happened?. She told me that one of her remote relative has brought a marriage proposal for her and her family want this marriage to be get fixed at any cost. Due to her age family is ready to make all types compromises. Then I asked her what does she feel?. To that she replied that she is not sure about her feelings but she is quit sure with her compromise. She said that till today I used to hear that girls are treated as load but since today morning I have felt that. My parents are in hurry as they just want to perform their duty and get retired. But what about me. They are making a decision which I have to live everyday. May be this is the faith of girl child. She added that may be this Boy proves good husband for me but I will never be able to forget my parents act of forcing me to be in a prison for life. I can forgive a stranger 100 times but my own real parents choose their wish over my opinion is hard to forget.