

We Loved Once Cap 4
Harry took Rain home that night and tucked her in her bed. They'd had sleep overs before and she did a good job at supressing her feelings. But it was harder this time. She covered Rain with the covers and left the room, she'd sleep in their guest room. It's what was safer. She stripped down to her underwear and laid in bed, she hadn't noticed how deeply she cut her palms until then. Sighing she closed her eyes and tried to forget about the night she just had. There is a certain pain in unrequited love that no one likes to talk about. You always here about it's sweetness, innocent or woe but never about the pain. Her mind was rampant.

"Harry!" Rain screamed early the next morning. She'd just woken up from a nightmare she had about the night before. Harry slowly opened her eyes as the door shakily opened, Rain's small frame entered her entire face was soaked with tears. She climbed in with Harry and collapsed into her arms.
"Hey." Harry said stroking her hair.
Rain nozzled into her chest.
"Thanks for saving me..." she whispered.
Harry took a deep breath she couldn't do this anymore. Secrets always did more harm than good.
"I love you Rain, and not the friendship kind of love..."
There she said, she felt free but more terrified than ever. Which says something, she climbed mt. Everest at 12.
Rain pushed herself closer to Harry. The thing is for awhile she's been feeling things stronger than friendship. Deeper things. Every time someone was interested in her, she always thought about her. And last night, during her encounter with Dayton she just pretended that it was Harry. It was the only thing that kept her sane. She mustered a deep breath, looked into Harry's uncertain eyes and kissed her.
"I love you too."
Was she hearing right? Did she say 'I love you?'
Rain giggled slightly "Don't look so surprised silly." She poked her nose.
"The only thing constant in my life is you." she continued and kissed her again.
Harry pulled her close, wrapping her arms around her. She still smelled faintly of peacans and her hair like strawberry. She was so so beautiful. Harry's hands moved down her smooth brown shoulders to her waist.
"wish you were my first kiss." Rain muttered.
Was this for real?
"You haven't said anythinggggg Harry and you're never speechless."
She blushed. She also never blushed. Her face was no different from that of a robot always void of emotions.
"I'm just really happy."
Rain smiled her white brilliant smile with deep tiny dimples at the corners of her mouth.
"I always wana make you happy." she replied.
She lay her head on her chest and closed her eyes.

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