


Love has two branches in main according to my concepts, though branches are many in number. They are false love and true love .


1. Like a thermistor :
Thermistor is a resistor whose resistance is greatly reduced by heat. If we pressurize the fake lover or ask him/her for a help at direst moments he/she will back away in most cases. Still there are some who needs little bit more agitation to reduce resistance. However their love is not truthful and permenant but can be changed to true love if your aura of love is large and resplendant.

2. Sweeter
Fake love offers more attractive things in physical means than mental means. Like a brilliant colored mango stuffed with worms and noxious ethylene. Sigh! We are humans after all. We need to be quite calm and spiritual to detect what is being offered through mind. Normally we get more attracted by outer appearance (like the makeup covering the vile appearance and the message in the three caskets, both mentioned in The Merchant of Venice ). We often fail to understand the true notions inside our lover, whether it is good or bad. Only true love enriches us with sturdy gifts. We will regret choosing physical gifts later.

3. With slink attitude.
Fake lovers sneak into our life and check whether choosing us as his/her life partner is worth or not. They never value the true affection offered by our mind. What they value is a safer and wealthier life. It will eventually get tangled up in a divorce case at the end once you discover the wolf inside the sheep cloak. Its like Morroco and Arragon princes who were attracted by silver and gold in Merchant of Venice.

4. Dangerous than worst enemy
Enemies can only threaten and destroy you from outside but fake lovers destroy you from within. We realise it slowly but after realising it things won't be the same anymore. Fights will be common and break up wouldn't be far away. But as the Holy Bible says love can change everything. If you give him/her the room or time to change her behaviour or give him/her chances he/she might change. You must warn him/her and teach him/her what is true love and how divine is the relation b/w boy and girl.

5. Immune to advice but intolerant against tears.
Actually tears are magical chemicals that could perhaps change the torrent of events unexpectedly. No love is powerful against tears but like biology there are excepyions here too. Fake love can be turned to true love by tears. The antibiotic to fake love or the lubricant for true love is tears. All fake lovers wouldn't move by advice. Some have a protective oxidation layer like magnesium. They layer can only be removed by tears in most cases.

6. Ulteriorly to be aware of:
Finding true love is very hard than meeting up with a fake one. The latter is easy to find but hard to carry on but the true love is hard to find but easy to carry on. We must be we aware of the further era because the true lovers are getting endangered. It might be due to the ideal differences b/w children and parents . Even if you find somebody who just loves you whole heartedly ur parents wouldn't like him/her. In some cases parents even fix marriage without the consent of their child which needs to be stopped. As parents they must also ask their child's opinion as it is their life decision.

II. TRUE LOVE 💖💖💗💙💚💛💜 :

1. Offers you avogadro number of or solar mass of love:
True love gives you everything that can refresh you or nurture your love. Best example is Bassanio and Portia of The Merchant if Venice. Portia is the true love for Bassanio. She was even ready to break her dead father's will to marry him. On the other hand Bassanio lowered himself to the position of rags. A fake love cannot stand up against true love.

2.Is virulent 💥:
The love field surrounding a true love couple is larger than gravitational field(idk beyond infinity). They preach love and discuss problems calmly. They are more passive than COVID. So virulent that cupid will shy like Mr. Shakespeare told. It is unseen but works miracles just like gravity . We cant see gravity but its effects are seen.

3. Photons of energy:
The radioactive elements emit radiation to attain stability like that couples fight with each other to be stable. True love involves small quarrels but after the fight they will be more closer. They both exhibit more courage in exhibiting their thoughts after this. A husband will not think of his job if his wife is sick and if the husband is sick, wife will not sleep. Its a true fact in true love.They can't proceed without each other and they will help each other to maximum.Love offers such immense packets or photons of energy.

4. Is blind:
Everybody knows it and not much info is required. Like justice love is blind.

5. Honey to soul and rain to desolate land:
In the story An Angel in Disguise Maggie cures the wicked mind of Mrs. Thompson. Thompsons were an unhappy couple due to the lack of a child. However it only affected Mrs. Thompson. Joe Thompson was wheelwright and helped children for their hoarded pennies. Maggie was a disabled child and her only mother had died at house threshold because she was drunk. Joe adopted Maggie who couldn't walk due to injured spine and she healed the desolation of Thompson's house. I still remember the line from my old textbook 'Maggie was the honey to her soul'. Though she us disabled she could part with her true love. You must read this story it will really teach you the value of love.

6. Is sanctifying:
True love teaches us a lot. If you have a brother or a sister you will understand well. True love helps us to enhance our moral values and understanding capabilities. It is like remaking a colloid from coagulated solution. Precipitating us simple but remaking it is difficult lije that spending time with true love is blissful but finding it is difficult.

I have just put forward my personal views. You can tell me what you feel in the comments section below. I am happy that there are loving writers in this Writco community.