

For a very long time, I wished I had one of those moms on TV. You know those nice moms who watch their language around there kids and help them throughout their lives, they stick by them, But that wasn't the case. When I was little I was very insecure about myself and my Mom just made it worse, she would call me names in Spanish and I soon understood 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮. 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙚. 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙, because of how many times I've heard them. I know almost every curse word in Spanish. B****, Mother****er, A**hole, F***er and others. imagine your mother was mad at someone or something and she would take her anger out on you. Because of her when I was little I would cry myself to sleep at night. anytime I would get an award she wouldn't even try to come to my school, she would send my step dad, he was the only one that would defend me from her. She would even make me feel as bad as to make me say "I want to kill myself" or "Im gonna die anyway" multiple times... She would always be so calm and happy with her friends but when I would try to approch her she would get mad at me and yell that I'm "Bothering" her. So by the time I was in Middle school I was failing classes because I would be to scared to ask for help from anyone. I understand if I had done something bad but she would always seem mad when I was around...so I solved it by Disappearing. I wouldn't say anything to her I wouldn't even look at her, I was just...I don't really know how to explain it. But what I did know was that I was depressed, I wouldn't even try to speak to people if they didn't hear me the first tijtme I spoke. Until I met someone, a long time ago I met my step-Aunts neices, Victoria and Ruth. We ended up in the same school and Ruth and I were in the same class, She was one of the most sillyest people I've ever met. She thought me how to have fun and my confidence skyrocketed. I just stopped caring about what people said, true I was a bit naive but hey who wasn't as a child. I finally felt a lot better about myself, as I grew older I wouldnt even care about what my mother said anymore, heck I even joined the school's talent show and sang in front of my whole grade! I was happy....This is my early Mothers Day story.