

Diaries of a Dumbass Pt.1
Skylar woke up, not by her usual alarm, but by herself. It was the weekend which is always refreshing to realize. No school, no homework, no problems. It was Saturday to be exact, not that it matters much. She woke up around her usual time on weekends. A bit later than she wanted, but that was fine. It was the weekend after all, she had the whole day.
She glanced at her phone, no texts as usual. She knew her friends wouldn't have texted her at night, but perhaps they woke up earlier than her. She then took her phone off the charger and slumped back into bed. Ready to sit there scrolling through social media for the next hour or so.
After a good 30 minutes of scrolling through many videos, she decided to text one of her close friends. Her name is Raven. Skylar texted her quite often and loved to do so. But then she realized Raven had mentioned the night before that she had a soccer game to go to in the morning. Which was unfortunate but it didn't bother Skylar.
Raven is the more active sporty person in her friend group. She is also very tall, much taller than Skylar. Which is not important, but Skylar liked that about Raven. Skylar liked many things about Raven, as well as her other friends. The thing that she struggled with was finding things she liked about herself.
After again much more endless scrolling and waiting for Raven, Raven finally texts her. Skylar's face instantly lights up, she gets so happy when Raven texts her. Raven also spends her days when she's not playing soccer, laying on the floor scrolling through videos on social media. So Raven decided to send Skylar one.
One thing that's worth mentioning. Raven is a bit of a psycho, nothing too bad. But you know the type. Satan, Tarot cards, witchcraft, demons, murder, oh and very much gay. So is Skylar but she's not very psycho. Sure her dad has let her watch crime shows with him since she was like 8 but that surely didn't do anything.
Anyway, Raven sent Skylar a video, it was of icicles with blood on them. Presumably fake, but who knows. I guess Frosty got a little angry, or maybe Anna did something to piss off Elsa. This isn't very important but it was worth noting.
Then, Raven decided to switch up the conversation to a less morbid, more relevant topic. She had informed Skylar that she won her soccer game! Skylar was elated to see Raven excel at the thing she loves most! She loves seeing her friends succeed at their passions even when she doesn't have much.
Sure, Skylar plays guitar, writes songs, and is in band but she would concider herself to be far from a musician. She also draws and paints every once in a while but she is hardly an artist and would never call any of these basic things talents. Nevertheless, Raven and her other friends insist she has talents.
Aside from being a bit crazy, Raven is also very comforting and wholesome around her close friends. Not very often, but Skylar loves the few moments when she is. Skylar, Raven and their other friends are into Zodiac signs also. Skylar is a Virgo, Raven is a Capricorn, and their other close friend is a Gemini.
So a bit later, Skylar sends Raven a video. It is about Zodiacs that have trouble standing up for themselves and why. Skylar was on there, which was not surprising. It was because Virgos are so insecure that you cant say anything to them that they haven't already said to themselves. Which is accurate, but it's what Raven said in response to that is what matters.
Raven said "I will stand up for you, and then I will turn around and give you a smack to the head to aggressively tell you to stop being so insecure and down on yourself cause you are perfect." Skylar loves it when Raven goes into these random bursts of wholesomeness throughout the day and wishes she did it more. It makes her feel appreciated and happy.
© ThatOneAuthor