

I wanted out
Chapter 2
The car entered a path way and what I saw left me gaping I could not believe my eyes I was looking at a mansion I didn't know there was still houses this huge it look like an aristocratic home. The trees surrounding the area was beautiful and I could see lots of garden and birds and beautiful flowers I must have died and gone to heaven. When I got out of the car I was ushered inside with haste everyone i past kept looking at me guess they were his servant because they wore uniform and well tailored as well, they were well put together. The interior of the house is huge, there's a central hallway serving as the main avenue or traffic and entrance, the area to the adjacent rooms as four formal rooms with sixteen foot ceiling, pocket doors, I even saw a fireplace with marbles surrounding it and beautiful windows. Before i could take in anything more I was interrupted by a male voice. " There's ten bedroom each with Its own bathroom, four kitchen a game and theather room, two gyms on each wing, one library if you like to read a music room, dining room is on both wing but your required to be on the east wing that's where you will be staying. Your to be awake by seven am for breakfast, supper at Four pm sharpe and dinner with your host and 7 Pm." That's alot to take in, just yesterday I was a prostitute now I'm in a mansion and I'm terrified because I don't know why I'm here whats expected of me, I wanted out of this life I was living. " His Mr Gold here, will I get the chance to speak to him, I want to know my reason for being here." That's all I could say then the man replied to me saying, " We do not call him by that name here his name is Alexander Cambridge and we would appreciate it if you do not call him that while you are here Miss... and by the way you can call me Senior, if you have any concern please let me know." He just ushered me to follow him to my room has I enter I was struck speechless it was so spacious and glamorous, I went to open the closet which I could walk inside was filled with clothing and shoes and handbags, wigs, nothing as been wore; tags were on them and they all were in my size from all the designers like Valentino Garavani, Coco Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Tom floral, Giorgio Armani. I must be dreaming. I open the door to the bathroom I was in paradise. Suddenly I turned to say 'thank you' but he was gone. I decided to take a bathe and get some rest after all I didn't know why I was here.
The next day I woke up feeling really hungry I brush my teeth and ran downstairs. I almost fell when a hand caught me suddenly I felt electricity coursing through my body, I've never felt that kind of energy before and I didn't understand what I was feeling. When I look up it was Mr Gold I mean Alexander and he was staring at me with a smile on his face. " Did you sleep well aren't you hungry Laura?" He stated. Right now what I wanted was to know why I'm here so I blurted out, " Why am I here." He looked at me with mockery in his eyes and then said, " Because your a whore and a very beautiful one at that and I need a woman for now to suite my needs and quite frankly you make my loins burn with passion."
How my gosh just my luck I taught I was safe all these years but now I was sold to a man that wants to ravish me. " Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not available I want to buy my freedom instead, I don't want to be a prostitute, wasn't really good at it to begin with." He wasn't convince instead he said, " You could have fooled me, you make more money than all the girls and the old men you have as client keeps saying what a good company you have been, plus you can't pay me to release you unless you have 10 million dollars that's what I paid for you little minx." My mind was spinning in circle what was I suppose to do. " Please I'm begging you to let me go I've never have sex all these years with any of my client, Raul doesn't know about it all they wanted was for me to dance or to talk to them, I can play any instrument for you maybe even sing for you as well I'm pretty good at it." I practically cried out saying all that but he wasn't please at all he became very angry he grab me so tight and I felt so much pain coursing through my body. " You expect me to believe that your a virgin being a prostitute for over fours years making so much money, your beauty doesn't intrigue me I don't even like white girls but what I've been hearing is that your good and I want exactly that a whore to fullfil my needs, and for your lie you will be punished no breakfast , supper or dinner." He spatted out violently he threw my arms like a baseball bat I was terrified his eyes bore the look of satan himself. I wanted to protest but was afraid of what would happen to me instead I ran upstairs, back to muy room then slammed the door shut and threw myself on the bed. Why was all this happening to me I didn't want this I didn't deserve this, I will be twenty years old next month, and just my luck he's dam racist I'm not even white and next time I see him I'm letting him know exactly what I think of him. There was a knocked on the door and a very thin dark skinned lady entered the room with something hidden she held it out to me and beckoned for me not to let her master know that she had brought me food. If he find out there would be hell to pay instead she gave me a warning, her name was Mary and she told me he was crazy even thou many people taught him to be the perfect gentleman and that I must not lie to him he hates liar and I must be punctual whenever he summoned me and she was gone. This is the nineteen ninety's slavery is abolish yet this black man is acting like he's a plantation owner I don't care who he is I want out. I've made 3 million dollars, if I could escape I would be free to start over I was searching for my backpack where I had put my passport and bank book when I looked inside they were gone. The walls started to cave in on me as I fell to the ground unconscious.

to be continued......
© Keryiann Mcneil