

one day I woke up
one day I just woke up and felt like the world hated me and that I was nothing but when I look at it it's like I meant nothing to my family or friends and I just started to cry I felt like I had to escape but I didn't know how and I didn't know where to go I was like animal at the lost and found they didn't have a place to go I still don't know where to go I wish only so that I can have a place to call home my skin is so young my heart is so old I would like to leave the world but wherever I go my house is too far the sun is too hot the moon is too cold so there's no way to call my home the day I have to go my mum asked me was wrong I told her that everything is fine but obviously she didn't know that meant the teachers strategize with room I don't know what to say I was alone and had no one's told me that he just found out I started cutting myself everyone is already calling me the suicide kids I didn't feel like being bothered or having friends around me sorry losing all my friends and one of my friends almost killed herself because I understood it my friend started coming to me and saying that they don't know what to tell me because they don't want me to leave them they want me to stay with them for the rest of their lives so that we could be the girl group anyone's ever wanted I want that too I just don't know what to do my life is messed up my sister it's me mum and dad doesn't love me and my boyfriend doesn't talk to me in 3 months and then he talks to me for a day and then again never for two weeks I don't know what he's doing and we just watching YouTube or something but I'm still alone I have nothing to do it's almost Christmas I don't know what anyone's doing around me I wish I'm getting Christmas presents but I don't even want presents the one person I want to leave this world the world is a dark place we can make it light with all of our lives we can make it at 1 but everyone needs to get the lights but it can't be without my lights but I don't have light someone threw a rock on my licence and it broke in pieces of glass I don't know what to do anymore this is getting too bad for me I have a crush he knows about this the principal knows what this my friends and my exes know about this I started asking if I was given by but I know that I was hurt by an hour straight I just don't know who I am anymore with all this going on I don't think I'm a person I'm a bad person all I do is give my parents pain and hurt my sister all I hear is that on her bully .