

Travel Through the Mountains
By : Jacob5422

It was a normal morning, I was on a church vacation trip with a bunch of teens and our pastor, Sunday school teacher, and my friend Tinna. It was Thursday the last day of our vacation trip, we were going on this long, stupid hike. The hike was 2.5 miles there and 2.5 miles back. When we got there we had to stand in the hot sun while the teens used the restroom, apparently a plumber hasn't been there in years cause the toilets were over flowing. When they were done we got started on the hike
It was a long, and tiring journey me and Tinna were having a hard time keeping up with the group cause we were tired and sweating. Carl and Daniella our Sunday school teachers were behind cause of Daniella's ankle. The pastor and his wife, along with the teens who didn't want to go stayed behind. We had to cross like 3 logs over the water before we got there. And eventually we got there. People were having fun Jessie one of the teens was stupid and climbed to the top of the waterfall. I was by myself sharpening one of my newest knives, by the water so I happen to look over and there it was a water moccasin in the water starring at me. My first reaction would have been letting it spring up and try to bite me while I grab it in mid air and stab it like in the movies, but instead i quickly leaped up and the snake swam away. And that about raps up the day except the hike back. Let me back it up a bit, when we got there the view of the waterfall was breath taking, it wasn't the biggest waterfall I'd seen before, but at least it was a little cooler there than it was on the hike. And Jessie was fine he found a way down the waterfall. And all the other teens were taking turns doing cannonballs in the deep part of the river.
In the end we all got ready and headed back to the church van and drove home, ate dinner, got ready and went to bed.

The End.
© Jacob5422