

Forced Marriage(Chapter2)
I woke up at 7am still early for my shopping with Lena my best friend.
I wanted to sleep but I had no mood for it so I prepared myself for my shopping.
I wore a red dress with flowers drawn on it.
I walked downstairs feeling that this was a bad day.
I sat on the table with Charles who was busy in his phone.
I wished if he could suddenly notice me.
"Are you going somewhere?"He finally broke the annoying silence.
"I will be shopping with Lena"
"Do you have money?"
"I will use my card"
"Take these!"He said giving me 2credit cards.
I wanted to give them back but he had already stood up ready to go.
"Thanks"I shouted behind him
"Nothing sweetheart"He also shouted in his car.
Sweetheart?Was I sick or not?Did I just hear him calling me sweetheart?Never mind...
I stood up and was ready to go when I noticed a small note.
I took it and started reading it.
"Take the car key where I was sitting.Use the red car in the garage it is for you only!
And no problem sweetheart💖"
I headed to his chair he was sitting on and took the keys and went to the garage.
I noticed a red car which was new and I immediately started driving it.
The shopping didn't take long.
We headed to our favorite milkshake place and ordered each her favorite and started chatting.
"So...How is it going Mrs.Hamilton?"
"Never call me that Lena"I said with anger in my voice.I wasn't a cheater's wife never!
And it wasn't on my will!
"Let's talk about you!How is it going on with Mike"
"We broke up"
"What?But you were a cute couple?"
"He cheated on me "
"You're like me here"
"What happened?"
I explained to Lena everything about that ass as my husband kissing with another girl.
"He was cheating on you when you were sleeping?"
"I'm killing him"
With that she stood up and started walking.
"Lena where are you going?
"I'm going to his company"
"Lena wait!"I said as I run behind her trying to catch up with her.
"You won't stop me mademoiselle!"
She started running faster and I knew I wasn't catching her!She was our faster runner in the school.
I saw her stopping in front of a building.
I looked up and saw big letters "THE HAMILTON CORPORATION"
"Oh no.."I mumbled under my breath
When I looked at where Lena was standing in a couple of minutes she was gone.
I ram inside the building and I was surprised no one stopped me.
Maybe they knew I was his wife.
I ran towards Lena who's was standing in front of a door with letters "CEO'S OFFICE"
"Lena please don't do I..."Before I could finish she kicked the door and entered .
In front of me I saw my husband who was looking at us with no idea of what was happening.
"Cassie and her friend..!What can I help you with?"Charles said looking at me.
"How dare you?"Lena said with anger
"Lena please..!"
"How can you cheat on your wife while she is sleeping"Lena said ignoring my words.
Charles was still looking at me but now his face was full of anger.
"Lena please don't do I..."I was stopped by the slap which echoed in the room.
Lena slapped Charles and I knew it wouldn't take a good turn.
Lena took me hand and headed me outside.
I was afraid because of the sentence Charles said to me"You'll explain this at home"
What if he beat me?What if he do something bad to me?
I am afraid of him and I admit it.
What I am going to do?

Please Like and follow me .
I'm just sad I lost someone I care about.