

Wisdom Wheels
Editor's Remark

It's with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to this platform. Wisdom Wheels is an online magazine which gives you access to the deep mysteries of life. Through our book reviews, articles, poems and other literary works, you will learn how to practically ride on the wheels of wisdom.

Before you continue, be informed that wisdom is the right application of knowledge. What you know doesn't really count, what counts is what you do with what you know. You don't become wise by reading the book of Proverbs, you only become wise by practising the wisdom in it. From now, we will provide you with practical strategies you can use to navigate through this spherical planet and end up a huge success.

Wisdom is calling out to you through this platform; I beseech you to make a good use of this chance, do not linger for too long lest the Angel of Goodwill leaves you untouched. You can actually become a better person, you can achieve your greatest dreams, you can become a point of reference in human history through the application of sound knowledge.

Welcome on board on the wheels of wisdom as we take a voyage to the world of manifestation!

By: Gabriel Olakunle
The Scribes

Great Scribes,
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