

How I feel part 3
imagine being told you were visited by two spirits one for poverty and second spirit of lust. let me start explaining meaning by lust, you can never know how to appreciate things you have eg your love life,your life itself you crave for more if it was ur job you see it's not worth it if it's your wife you dont like him anymore that's what by lust spirit in kiswahili we call it (Tama).
poverty you all know their come inform of bedbugs in where I come bedbugs is a spirit of poverty you start slowly by slowly decreasing instead of increasing until you find one day you have no anything to eat, your projects are frozen stagnant. job interview all just silent you see everything around you falling apart slow by slow.
sumtymz I do thank the holy spirit for his word care if it would not be for him I would still be a lost soul asking muself many questions like waat is happening why is this happening to me. No people dont know usually what is eating them some are curses from your ant, sister in law,brother inlaw, mother inlaw that went on the other side maybe to see you suffer so that your kids wont grow or prosper or even you maybe your life to be dark at all the times no job every business idea you try still fails other even thought of suicide but the best thing is if you have holy spirit he will send his servant to you or even dreams.but imagine you that you are going through all that and you dont have anyone to tell you anything or what's eating you surely I feel sorry but you have to have faith in the lord I was prayed and atleast I feel safe knowing what the devil is planning next ??
beacuse I keep praying knowing it's the end and the enemies is alert waiting for me to sleep keep watch be alert
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