

Deliberately Delicate
Nothing was easy anymore.

Everything had to be so perfectly calculated.

Every breath felt like inhaling sharp, broken glass.

Every thought was a raging storm.

Before, It would have taken barely a thought and he would have moved, barely any moment of time and he would have gotten up.

Now every action was deliberate.

Deliberately he shrugged off his coat and put it over the corpse of his friend.

Deliberately he tucked the lose strand of hair behind their ear.

Deliberately he let his friend, his first and only true friend, go.

He let his friend go, and become cold, six feet under the ground, but all he could think about was how dark it must be in the casket, how they were always afraid of the dark.

He knew then and there, they were standing on a precipice. If one jumped now they would be lost to the other forever.

And so he leapt.

The words fell between them, a creak that wavered and broke, a fissure that matched the width of a spider's web crack and formed.

He said the few words slowly, softly, deliberately.

However the words were the biggest lie he had ever spoken in his life.

No matter how deliberate the words seemed, it still meant nothing to a gravestone.

Art by Sad-istfied on YouTube
Inspired by Passerine made by blujamas, thcscus on Ao3
in real life I have a book for short stories and poems, I had two small pages left and this is what I wrote, I don't know what it's about. It's bad and I know it, but I like it :D
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